A generic C++ command line interpreter
This class allows you to create command line options that are settable via the command line. For example:
CommandLineOptions options;
* Add a boolean option that has a default value of false
options.add<bool>("some_flag", false);
* Add an option that initializes a floating point value.
* We also add an optional description
options.add<float>("float_option", 3.14159,
"A floating point option.");
* Add an option that sets the default value of a std::string
options.add<std::string>("string_option", "hi there");
This class parses the command line and matches it against a given CommandLineOptions. Each option set in the command line will have its default value overwritten. Continuing the above example,
CommandLine cmd(options);
* Forward the arguments of main(int argc, char** argv):
cmd.parse(argc, argv);
* Let's say we have the following command line:
* program_name --some_flag --float_option=2.71828
* which (by the way) is equivalent to
* program_name --some_flag=true --float_option=2.71828
* which (by the way) is equivalent to
* program_name --some_flag=1 --float_option=2.71828
* we can now pull the values of these options:
bool b;
float f;
std::string s;
cmd.get("some_flag", b); // some_flag should now be true
cmd.get("float_option", f); // float_option should now be 2.71828
cmd.get("string_option", s); // should still be "hi there"
Feel free to email me with bug reports or suggestions: jfernandez3@gatech.edu