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Closed Nov 4, 2017 100% complete

the JFlex license has been changed from GPL to BSD.
updated JFlex to CUP version 0.11a.
JFlex now conforms with Unicode Regular Expressions UTS#18 Basic Unicode Support - Level 1. Supplementary code points (above the Basic Multilingual Plane) are not yet supported.
new character set operations supported: union (e.g. [A||B]), intersection (e.g. [A&&B]), se…

the JFlex license has been changed from GPL to BSD.
updated JFlex to CUP version 0.11a.
JFlex now conforms with Unicode Regular Expressions UTS#18 Basic Unicode Support - Level 1. Supplementary code points (above the Basic Multilingual Plane) are not yet supported.
new character set operations supported: union (e.g. [A||B]), intersection (e.g. [A&&B]), set-difference (e.g. [A—B]), and symmetric difference (e.g. [A~~B]).
The . meta character now stands for all non-newline characters. The meaning of the dot (“.”) meta character has been changed from [^\n] to [^\n\r\u000B\u000C\u0085\u2028\u2029]. Use the new --legacydot option to cause “.” to be interpreted as [^\n].
New \R meta character stands for all newline characters "\r\n" | [\n\r\u000B\u000C\u0085\u2028\u2029]
new meta characters supported: \s, \S, \d, \D, \w, \W.
new option —noinputstreamctor to not include an InputStream constructor in the generated scanner.
%include can now be used in the rules section (bug #117)
fixed bug #107 and #108 (yychar and zzAtBOL should be reset for nested input streams)
fixed bug #109 (could not match input for empty string matches.)
fixed bug #112 and #119 (properly update zzFin when reallocating zzBuffer)
fixed bug #115 (noncompileable scanner generation when default locale is Turkish)
fixed bug #114 (zzEOFDone not included with pushed nested stream state)
fixed bug #105 (can’t build examples/java/)
fixed bug #106 (impossible char class range should trigger syntax error)
the switch and table code generation options are deprecated and will be removed in JFlex 1.6
changed the build from Ant to Maven.

This milestone is closed.

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