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Joseph Huckaby edited this page Aug 12, 2018 · 10 revisions

Here are the big-ticket items slated for Cronicle's next major releases.

Version 1.0

  • Admin: Server detail page
    • Have a separate page in the UI for details about each server
    • Stats like number of jobs, elapsed time, memory stats, etc.
    • Information about Cronicle version per server
    • Button to upgrade server
  • Admin: Button to upgrade all servers
    • Would iterate over servers in sequence, upgrading each to the latest stable.
  • Live job advanced detail
    • Show all processes and mem/cpu of each, opt to kill individuals
  • Add new Target algo: master server
    • Allow events to target the master server specifically.
  • Need easy way to run job on the CLI, simulate JSON in/out, etc.
  • Ability to add a custom note into the activity log.
  • Add user note to completed job (#JobDetails page)
  • Fix Issue #82: Better support for mixed-case server hostnames
  • From Issue #93 Implement a "Copy Event..." button.

Version 2.0

  • Multi-server HTTPS
  • API to add/remove/edit servers, and CLI to drive the API.
    • Basically a full "admin" API.
  • Active Directory / LDAP authentication
  • User Data: Plugin should be able to write to a 'user_data' JSON object, which will "save" the data for the next run.
  • Graphical timeline showing all events that ran, when, and their durations
  • More granular user permissions
  • Allow jobs to specify more than just progress while running
    • Allow them to send back a table of data, or HTML blob, which would update in the UI every N seconds.
  • More API documentation
  • Better support for firewalls / proxies
    • All UI requests (HTTP and WebSocket) should go to URL hostname
    • Master server should proxy requests to slave servers as needed (example: live job log watch)
  • Support for mobile browsers
  • Fix Issue #91: Improve chained jobs management
  • Fix Issue #92: Control script not updating pid path
  • From Issue #93 Add the ability for events/jobs to specify a custom e-mail template for notifications.
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