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Competitive_mapping & Coverage depth calculation (TAD80)

This is a wrapper for competitive reads mapping (see instrain website for what is competative mapping here: against a collection of genomes or metagenomic assembled genomes (MAGs). And then calculate justified TAD80 values based on previous method (Rodriguez-R,2020). Bam files will be filtered first according to reads coverage and identity using CoverM. Several reads mapping softwares are supported, including bowtie2 (reads must be fasta format, gzipped or not), bwa-mem, bwa-mem2 (, minimap2 and bbmap. By default bbmap is used because it is faster comparing to other softwares without sacrificing accuracy (down to 70% identity, bloom filter is used to accelerate kmer matching to filter reads, this is faster). Bowtie2 --very-sensitive can also map reads down to 70% identity but parallel is not well implemented (core dumped for more than 1 thread). bwa-mem2 is 2x speedup comparing to bwa-mem with exactly the same output. Thanks to bioinformatics team at Georgia Tech (! Other mapping tools such as minimap2 only map reads down to identity 85%.

Linux (tested on Ubuntu 18.0.4, CenOS and RHEL 7)

git clone
cd Competitive_mapping
chmod a+x dependencies/*
chmod a+x ./*.bash
mv T4AerOil_sbsmpl5.fa.gz ./demo_input
gunzip ./demo_input/T4AerOil_sbsmpl5.fa.gz

### 1.competetive reads mapping
./compet_map_bam.bash -d ./demo_input/MAG -i ./demo_input/T4AerOil_sbsmpl5.fa -T 24 -o ./bam_out -m bbmap

### 3.calculation of justified TAD80 using coverm filter (for filtering only)
./jTAD80_new.bash -d ./bam_out -o output.txt -p 24 -c 0.75 -i 0.95 -j 0.8

MacOS (Tested on MacOS Mojave and Big Sur, x86)

All dependencies can be installed using conda. You may need to install gnu-coreutils, gawk, ggrep, gsed first via brew:

brew install coreutils
brew install gawk
brew install grep
brew install gsed
brew install brewsci/bio/bwa-mem2

git clone
cd Competitive_mapping
chmod a+x dependencies/*
chmod a+x ./*.bash
gunzip ./demo_input/T4AerOil_sbsmpl5.fa.gz
### 1.competetive reads mapping
./compet_map_bam_darwin.bash -d ./demo_input/MAG -i ./demo_input/T4AerOil_sbsmpl5.fa -T 8 -o ./bam_out -m bbmap

### 3.calculation of justified TAD80 using coverm filter (for filtering only)
./jTAD80_new_darwin.bash -d ./bam_out -o output.txt -p 4 -c 0.75 -i 0.95 -j 0.8

Output and related

  1. In output directory you will have sorted bam files for each genome and also a big sorted bam file for all genomes. Those bam files for each genome can be used for recuitment plot ( (bwa-mem and bowtie2 is supported, see an example below). The big bam file can be used for calculation of coverage depth using CoverM (
  2. Justified TAD80 is based on BedGraph.tad.rb in enveomics ( but mapped reads are filtered using CoverM before calculating.
  3. The filtered bam files in step 2 in the output directory can be directly used for variant calling. Softwares such as freebayes ( and GATK ( can be used. See below.

Comparison between different tools

bwa/bwa-mem2 mapping, MAG001, recruitment plot alt text

bowtie2 mapping, MAG001, recruitment plot alt text

minimap2 mapping, MAG001, recruitment plot alt text

bbmap mapping, MAG001, recruitment plot alt text

Comparison between mapping methods. jTAD is calulated after coverm filter


genome_name jTAD80
lab5_MAG.001 11.983417312703843
lab5_MAG.002 5.808299064413597


genome_name jTAD80
lab5_MAG.001 11.914096173780646
lab5_MAG.002 5.760955878391725


genome_name jTAD80
lab5_MAG.001 11.981560901976831
lab5_MAG.002 5.802688239625047


genome_name jTAD80
lab5_MAG.001 11.97209484596707
lab5_MAG.002 5.754495663260725

variant calling for each MAG mapped after filtering (filtered MAGs in the output directory)

freebayes -f ./bam_out/lab5_MAG.001.fasta ./bam_out/lab5_MAG.001.filtered.sorted.bam > lab5_MAG.001.vcf

Then population genomic analysis such as dN/dS ratio and genomic diversity pi can be calculated using POGENOM (

Comparison with existing tools: coverm v0.6.1 using real dataset

Sample data from Karthikeyan,2021, Env.Sci.Tech. After running the mapping script you will have a bam_out directory.

### for Linux
cd Competitive_mapping
./dependencies/coverm_linux genome -d ./bam_out/ -x fasta -b ./bam_out/all_mags_rename_sorted.bam -m trimmed_mean --trim-min 0.1 --trim-max 0.9 --min-read-percent-identity 0.95 --min-read-aligned-percent 0.75

### for MacOS
cd Competitive_mapping
./dependencies/coverm_darwin genome -d ./bam_out/ -x fasta -b ./bam_out/all_mags_rename_sorted.bam -m trimmed_mean --trim-min 0.1 --trim-max 0.9 --min-read-percent-identity 0.95 --min-read-aligned-percent 0.75

genome_name jTAD80 (bwa-mem2) Trimmed_Mean80 (coverm genome, bwa-mem2) jTAD80 (bbmap) jTAD80 (bowtie2) jTAD80 (minimap2)
MaxBin.001 237.6306129 237.69215 237.48718380617993 237.08225972882352 236.9699149892184
MaxBin.012 102.6480596 102.73 101.83691770829172 102.15607345234928 102.24843144795943
MaxBin.035_sub 6.394396129 6.6497817 6.359137268165782 6.372328363069162 6.366147391600805
MaxBin.047 22.70832466 22.750353 22.515260517709756 22.60274518449622 22.559893374930745
MaxBin.051 12.87198109 13.105129 12.742882817890578 12.799255459939497 12.778210263442002
MetaBAT.009 9.244269553 9.455999 9.101152594306223 9.17924063788168 9.165697952209916
MetaBAT.015 20.03221762 20.185205 19.41191468220363 19.85043892169667 19.836915591788394
MetaBAT.016 25.42493589 25.41395 25.350523707300205 25.353831995850683 25.324779567491248
MetaBAT.017 11.62968809 11.843799 11.426674323695218 11.567241963234936 11.521406831745859
MetaBAT.019 12.98588635 13.086388 12.960811281625881 12.958032351721277 12.940247200331813
MetaBAT.024 24.59416783 24.556606 24.322561240202077 24.457514269667325 24.457448599446483
MetaBAT.026 23.39601346 23.39584 23.159304411069343 23.278743959361996 23.2904193498208
MetaBAT.029 11.71779875 11.882411 11.589002826858984 11.685213871085764 11.600488192903546
MetaBAT.030 9.325849312 9.539687 9.25759262387727 9.29696657053332 9.260323776310972


bwa, seqtk, CoverM, ruby, samtools, bedtools and minimap2 are required for this pipeline. freebayes can also be installed via conda

### bwa-mem2 is only supported for linux in conda channel but you can installed on MacOS via brew
conda install -c bioconda bwa freebayes samtools bedtools seqtk minimap2 bwa-mem2

CoverM can be installed here:

I contributed to v0.5.0 for CoverM on comparing bedtools -genomecov and samtools depth to coverm genome, coverm does not take care of secondary alignemnts at the first place but both samtools and bedtools does. It was fixed in the v0.5.0. See here:


Li, H and R Durbin. 2009. “Fast and Accurate Short Read Alignment with Burrows-Wheeler Transform.” 25(14):1754–60.

Li, Heng et al. 2009. “The Sequence Alignment/Map Format and SAMtools.” Bioinformatics 25(16):2078–79.

Quinlan, Aaron R. and Ira M. Hall. 2010. “BEDTools: a Flexible Suite of Utilities for Comparing Genomic Features.” Bioinformatics 26(6):841–42.

Garrison, Erik and Gabor Marth. 2012. “Haplotype-Based Variant Detection From Short-Read Sequencing.” 1–9. Retrieved (

Li, Heng et al. 2009. “The Sequence Alignment/Map Format and SAMtools.” Bioinformatics 1–2.

Rodriguez-R, L M., D Tsementzi, C Luo, and K T. Konstantinidis. 2020. “Iterative Subtractive Binning of Freshwater Chronoseries Metagenomes Identifies Over 400 Novel Species and Their Ecologic Preferences.” Environmental Microbiology 1462–2920.15112–67.

Smruthi Karthikeyan, Minjae K. P. H.-R. J. K. H. J. C. S. W. A. O. M. H. J. E. K. A. K. T. K. 2020. “Integrated Omics Elucidate the Mechanisms Driving the Rapid Biodegradation of Deepwater Horizon Oil in Intertidal Sediments Undergoing Oxic−Anoxic Cycles.” Environmental Science & Technology 54(16):1–12.

Li, Heng. 2013. “Aligning Sequence Reads, Clone Sequences and Assembly Contigs with BWA-MEM.” arXiv 1–3.

Vasimuddin, Md, Sanchit Misra, Heng Li, and Srinivas Aluru. 2019. “Efficient Architecture-Aware Acceleration of BWA-MEM for Multicore Systems.” IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium 314–24.

Subramaniyan, Arun et al. 2020. “Accelerating Maximal-Exact-Match Seeding with Enumerated Radix Trees.” arXiv 1–10.

Li, Heng. 2018. “Minimap2: Pairwise Alignment for Nucleotide Sequences.” Bioinformatics 1–7.

Ben Langmead, Christopher Wilks, and Rone Charles. 2019. “Scaling Read Aligners to Hundreds of Threads on General-Purpose Processors.” Bioinformatics 1–12.

Brian Bushnell, 2018,


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