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This project provides “provisioning” scripts for macOS virtual machines running on platforms supporting cloud-init/nocloud or OpenNebula (more platforms may be supported in the future).


Supported platforms


This platform reads parameters from files provided on an ISO 9660 (or VFAT) filesystem (typically a virtual CD-ROM) labeled cidata, specifically from the meta-data file and the user-data file in cloud-config format.

By default, $ADMIN_USER is mapped to the first user in the users directive or to the directive user (in this order of precedence).


This platform reads parameters from files on an ISO 9660 (or VFAT) filesystem (a virtual CD-ROM) labeled CONTEXT, specifically the shell script.

By default, $ADMIN_USER is mapped to USERNAME and $ADMIN_SSH_KEYS is mapped to the SSH_PUBLIC_KEY context variable.


Sets the hostname to $FQDN or, if not provided, $SET_HOSTNAME. It should contain only alphanumeric ASCII characters, a hyphen and period ([a-zA-Z0-9.-]), all other characters will be replaced with a hyphen (-).

Changes the system timezone to $TIMEZONE (e.g. Europe/Prague, UTC), if provided.

Note: This script is fully supported only on OpenNebula. If you use Cloud-init/nocloud, you must specify params_mapping in etc/macos-init.conf according to your environment.

Configures network interfaces (using networksetup).

It supports the following variables:

  • $ETH<n>_MAC — Used to find the correct interface by MAC address.

  • $ETH<n>_IPV4_METHOD — Method how to configure IPv4 on the interface. Supported options:

    • static — static configuration,

    • dhcp (or dhcp4) — automatic using DHCP.

  • $ETH<n>_IPV4_ADDRESS — IPv4 address for the interface (required for static).

  • $ETH<n>_IPV4_MASK — IPv4 network mask for the interface (required for static).

  • $ETH<n>_IPV4_GATEWAY — Default IPv4 gateway for the interface (required for static).

  • $ETH<n>_IPV6_METHOD — Method how to configure IPv6 on the interface. Supported options:

    • static (or static6) — static configuration,

    • auto (or dhcp, dhcp6, ipv6_slaac) — automatic configuration (using SLAAC or DHCPv6),

    • disable — disables IPv6 on the interface.

  • $ETH<n>_IPV6_ADDRESS — IPv6 address for the interface (required for static).

  • $ETH<n>_IPV6_PREFIX — IPv6 prefix for the interface (default is /64).

  • $ETH<n>_IPV6_GATEWAY — Default IPv6 gateway for the interface (required for static).

  • $ETH<n>_DNS_SERVERS — DNS servers (as space-separated addressess).

  • $ETH<n>_DNS_SEARCH — The domain search list.

Creates an user account named $ADMIN_USER with the admin role and shell $ADMIN_SHELL.

If $ADMIN_USER is not provided, this script is skipped.

If $ADMIN_SSH_KEYS with SSH public key(s) is provided, adds them to authorized_keys of the user specified in $ADMIN_USER.

Extends the root filesystem (container) to the maximum disk capacity. Only APFS is currently supported.


Using Homebrew

brew tap jirutka/macos-init

brew install macos-init
sudo brew services start macos-init

From source tarball

curl | tar -xz
cd macos-init-0.1.9

sudo make install
sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/cz.jirutka.macos-init.plist

From git

git clone
cd macos-init

sudo make install
sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/cz.jirutka.macos-init.plist


This project is licensed under MIT License.