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Mpesa Locator Backend

MPESA Locator

Project Overview

Mpesa Locator is a simplified tool for backend engineers and project managers especially those working with location-based data. It consists of an application programming interface (API) endpoints supporting user authorization and authentication, and management of geographic information systems (GIS) data for MPESA locations in selected locations in selected counties in Kenya. The location properties of the data used in this project have been sourced from Google Geolocation API.

Structure Overview

This project is split into two parts – the back end (written in Python & Django), and the front-end (written in JavaScript & React) and exists in another repository.

The general folder structure for the project can be seen below:

├── data                   # Contains GIS dataset and importing script
├── db-init-script         # Contains database entry point script with instructions
├── locator-api            # Locator app with REST API endpoints for data
├── locator_backend        # Django project folder with project files
├── people                 # Django app facilitating user account management
├── .dockerignore          # Includes files/folders to be excluded from image building
├── .editorconfig          # Configuration defining consistent coding styles and formatting
├── .env_local             # Includes environment variables for the local environment
├── .gitignore             # Includes files/folders to be excluded from git commits
├──         # Instructions specifying how to build docker images.
├── LICENSE                # License for this project
├── Makefile               # List of utility commands to help developers
├── Pipfile                # Configuration for virtual environments, and dependencies for Python
├── Pipfile.lock           # Includes versions of the dependencies and transitive dependencies
├──              # Readme file for this project
├── # Configuration defining multiple Docker containers used in this app
├──              # Command-line interface for performing administrative tasks
├── pytest.ini             # Configuration file for unit testing using pytest framework

To perform some operations, a Makefile with a set of make commands is provided. In order to run these commands, the GNU make utility needs to be installed. Some of the commands are listed below.

To see exactly what a make command is doing, you can run it with the -n argument.
make migrate -n will output some details This that you can see how to run arbitrary Django commands.

System Prerequisites

To be able to run the project in a Docker environment, it’s necessary to have docker and docker-compose installed.

Please refer to Docker installation docs and
Docker Compose installation docs to install them.


This back-end project consists of two services, one with Python 3.10 and Django 4.2, and the second one, PostGIS based on PostgreSQL 15 database.

All Python package requirements are listed in Pipfile. The initial requirements include:

All third-party packages are listed in the Pipfile including the ones not listed here.


As a first mandatory step, rename the .env_local to .env and add the necessary values to each environment variable.

To build and setup the application from the ground up, ignoring previously build cached layers, just type:

make build-with-no-cache

You can also build with the usual build command by typing:

make build

This will create the necessary Docker containers and install the required Python packages.

To start the services while seeing the log, type:

make start-django

Alternatively, to start the services in the background (detached mode) where you will not see the logs in the terminal, type:

make start-django-detached

Once the services have started, Django should be running in its standard port 8000 and Postgres at 5432. You can change these values in the .env file and docker-compose file.

To stop the services, type:

make stop-django

Alternatively, to stop services and remove volumes that contain persisted data, type:

make delete-django-volumes

To print out the logs, type:

make print-logs

Alternatively, to print out logs interactively showing what is happening in the services, type:

make print-logs-interactive

The other commands include:

  • make makemigrations which creates new database migration files based on the changes you make to your models, if any.

  • make shell which starts a Linux shell (bash) in the Django container

  • make django-shell which starts a django python shell in the Django container


To start the database will be empty.

To manually migrate the database, run:

make migrate
Application data

At the start, the project has no data in the database. No users, or data.

To create a superuser:
make create-superuser
To load initial data for projects which adds a default admin user:
make create-test-admin

The superuser created above has the following login credentials that you can use to access the Django admin site at Username:, and password: GeodjangoUser123@

To load location data for this project:
make load-gis-data

If you log into the administration site you will the prepopulated data listed under locator_api app.


Black is used to automatically format and lint files. The make lint-check command checks that the project is correctly formatted.

You can set up your editor to automatically format Python files using Black following the instructions on Black’s GitHub page.

You can also use the make lint-fix command to automatically format all Python files in the project.


pytest-django is used to run automatic tests. The make test-django runs the unit tests on the apps in the project. Unit tests have been written for people and locator api apps.

You can create additional tests on these files and also add coverage tests using pytest-cov or other test tools.


This project makes use of the Django REST framework for user account management and serving location data.

API Documentation

To access the API documentation, visit:

  • api/v1/schema/redoc/ for Redoc

  • api/v1/schema/swagger-ui/ for Swagger


The project REST API facilitates user management and serves data as JSON objects which can be consumed by any client. The following are the general endpoints. All other endpoints can be viewed in the documentation links above. For people, app (user management) the following endpoints should work:

  • Signup - api/v1/user-auth/signup/

  • Login - api/v1/user-auth/login/

  • Logout - api/v1/user-auth/logout/

And for the locator_api:

  • MPESA Locations - api/v1/mpesa-locations/


Backend application for serving MPESA retailers locations to the frontend app through end-points.








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