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Build a Go Operator from a helm chart. In this example I used Websphere Liberty chart, using the operator-sdk

Operator functions

Our example operator:

  • deploy the ibm-websphere-liberty helm chart when LibertyApp CR is created
    • The CR spec field contains values.yaml properties that can be specified as if installing the helm chart
  • patch default service account in a namespace with an image pull secret specified by user
    • must be pre-created before installation
    • specify the secret name in image.pullSecret in the spec section of the CR.
  • poll the container image registry for the app image and roll out the new deployment when the digest changes

Building the Operator

We used the Operator SDK to generate the skeleton

# in $GOPATH, create the liberty operator
~/go/bin/operator-sdk new websphere-liberty-operator

# add the CRD
~/go/bin/operator-sdk add api --kind=LibertyApp

# add the controller:
~/go/bin/operator-sdk add controller --api-version --kind=LibertyApp

The operator-sdk will generate an interface{} field in the CR called LibertyAppSpec. There are various scripts in hack directory to generate code for this out of values.yaml, which builds the necessary nested structs in order to build go code that can reconcile the CR.

  • hack/ will generate go structs from the liberty chart's values.yaml
    • Specifically in our operator, image.pullSecret is not originally part of the chart and I added this by hand, so the resulting pkg/apis/liberty/v1alpha1/libertyappspec.go was hand modified to include this field after this step
  • hack/ will generate deep copy functions for the go structs
    • this is equivalent to calling operator-sdk generate-k8s.
  • hack/ wraps the above functions; it downloads the latest liberty chart, calls hack/ to generate go structs, and uses hack/ to generate the deep copy functions needed for the operator sdk
  • hack/ will use build the operator and run it (assuming you've unzipped the chart in /opt/helm/charts) reusing the current kube context
  • hack/ will use a golang container to build and deploy the operator, roles, and CRDs using the current kube context

Sample CR

Here is a sample CR I used for testing which uses the sample plantsbywebsphere.

kind: LibertyApp
  name: plants
    tag: "latest"
    pullSecret: "my-pull-secret"
    enabled: false 
    port: 9080
    targetPort: 9080


The following ideas to enhance the operator:

  • fix the operator RBAC so that the permissions are streamlined
  • I borrowed heavily from the helm operator code in operator-sdk, which uses an embedded tiller. I would like to reduce the dependency on embedded Tiller, just render the templates and manage them manually afterward.
  • We could also remove the embedded helm release in the status section of the CR which is very large and doesn't allow easy edits in text editor. (operator-sdk v0.8.1 addresses this but it seems the full manifest is still in status section)
  • Monitor configmaps for changes and roll the deployments to update
    • configmaps with a certain annotation can be pulled into the deployment and mounted into /config/configDropins
    • for GitOps use cases, we can monitor configmaps directly from git as well
  • Dynamically build and deploy app images from a war file stored in a Maven repo


go operator from a helm chart Kubernetes







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