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@jlfarris91 jlfarris91 released this 31 Jul 23:47
· 446 commits to master since this release

Hero Abilities
· Sprint [W] - Increases movement speed by 20/30/40% at the cost of mana lost while moving
· Blundershot [Q] - Fires a spread of projectiles that deal 600/1200/1800% of your base damage to targets in their path. Targets receive less damage the further away they are.
· Smoke Grenade [E] - Throws a smoke grenade at a target area causing all enemies within to have a 30/75/100% chance to miss attacks and have 10/20/30% reduced attack speed for 15 seconds.
· Looting Specialist [R] [Passive] - This survivor is profficient at looting and loots 10/20/30% faster.

Difficulty Selection
· The game now has multiple levels of difficulty: Casual, Normal, Hard, and Insane
· Each player chooses their own difficulty that affects only their spawns
· Added the difficulty selection dialog at the start of the game
· Selected difficulty is saved with your profile

Elites Reworked
· New types of elites and additional tiers of each elite.
· Each elite spawned has a difficulty-adjusted chance to be promoted to a higher elite tier.
· Each elite tier is a more dangerous variation of the previous tier, some with added abilities.
· Because each promotion is per spawn, not per wave, you can have different tiers spawning in the same wave.

For example, "Skeleton Archers":
· Tier I Skeleton Archer - Normal ranged attacks, nothing special
· Tier II Burning Archer - Attacks burn DOT, chance to stun
· Tier III Skeletal Marksman - Attacks slow movement and attack speed, chance to stun

Gold Distribution Reworked
· Elites no longer have a random chance of dropping gold
· Players still receive a fixed amount of gold at the end of each night but now it is based on their difficulty. Surviving on this gold alone should be difficult.
· Every Nth elite spawned in one night is guaranteed to drop gold. For example, in one night there may be a max of 3 elites allowed to be alive at any given time and a total of 9 spawning for the night. After 9 spawns no more will spawn. In this case every 3rd elite drops gold. The faster you kill elites the faster they will spawn and the more likely it will be that you will get all 3 gold drops.
· Every 50th zombie spawned in one night is guaranteed to drop gold
· The amount of gold dropped is affected by the player's difficulty
· Enemies carrying gold have a visible shimmering effect on their model
· Decreased the amount of gold found from looting

The Trader
· The Trader spawns at a random location on day 2 and relocates to a new random spot the day after each boss fight (day 6, 11, 16)
· He sells random items (4 common, 3 rare, 2 epic, 1 legendary) and his stock changes each time he relocates
· His general location can be spotted from an operated Scout Tower between 10am and 4pm in game.
· Look out for the "Survivor has spotted signs of the Trader" and an icon that appears on your minimap
· Once a player discovers the Trader (he is no longer hidden by fog of war or black mask) he has been considered "found" and the player will no longer receive alerts about his position until he moves again
· Gold can be exchanged for lumber via the Trader's horse, Redart.

· Workstations are a new type of building that require Survivors to operate them. Without an "operator" the building does not function.
· A Workstation may have abilities and stats that scale based on the level of the Survivor operating them (ie the "operator level")
· Some items (ie Operation Manuals) will benefit Workstations by increasing the carrier's operator level

New Building: Guard Tower [Workstation]
· Deals single target piercing damage when operated
· Attack damage and attack range is boosted by operator level
· Built by the Builder in the Defenses menu

New Building: Cannon Tower [Workstation]
· Deals aoe siege damage when operated
· Attack damage and attack range is boosted by operator level
· Built by the Builder in the Defenses menu

New Building: Scout Tower [Workstation]
· Grants visibility in a large radius and can mark enemy targets to take bonus damage from attackers when operated
· May reveal points of interest around the map when operated during the day
· Built by the Builder in the Defenses menu

New Building: Tunnel
· Build 2 Tunnel Entrences and connect them together to safely transport units a short distance underground
· Built by the Builder in the Defenses menu

New Building: The Forge
· Place items into the Forge and combine them into higher tier items
· If an item placed into the Forge is part of a recipe then the recipe appears as a disabled button in the command area showing you the rest of the items needed for the recipe
· If a recipe is fully satisfied then the button is enabled and you can press it to build the recipe

Current recipes:
· Leather Armor (Common) x2 -> Reinforced Armor (Rare)
· Reinforced Armor (Rare) x2 -> Dragonhide Armor (Epic)
· Gloves of Haste (Common) x2 -> Gloves of Greater Haste (Rare)
· Gloves of Greater Haste (Rare) x2 -> Gloves of the Greatest Haste (Epic)
· Claws of Attack +10 (Common) x2 -> Claws of Attack +30 (Rare)
· Claws of Attack +30 (Rare) x2 -> Claws of Attack +60 (Epic)
· Claws of Attack +60 (Epic) x2 -> Claws of Attack +120 (Legendary)
· Small Stamina Potion (Common) x2 -> Stamina Potion (Rare)
· Stamina Potion (Rare) x2 -> Big Stamina Potion (Epic)

Camp Fire Reworked
· Camp Fire no longer automatically consumes Raw Meat to boost health and mana regen
· Camp Fire is now a crafting station (like the Forge) and Raw Meat is an ingredient required to craft the Cooked Meat item
· Crafting a Cooked Meat item in a Camp Fire changes the Camp Fire to a Cooking Camp Fire
· Health and mana regen and aoe range is boosted while the camp fire is cooking (or crafting) the item
· Mana is drained from the Cooking Camp Fire each second
· Once the Cooking Camp Fire is "done cooking" (its mana reaches zero) it switches back to a regular Camp Fire, the cooked item is created and placed in its inventory
· The cooked Cooked Meat item can be consumed by a unit to restore a decent amount of health over time (like Cheese or Bandages)
· The Camp Fire can support any number of item recipes (again, like the Forge) and more can be added over time
· The Camp Fire can only cook one thing at a time

· Shelters now provide a bonus to all Survivor max HP
· Each Shelter adds 50/100/200 to the max hp of all survivors
· Upgrading the Shelters provides better bonuses than building many shelters
· Keep them alive or your Survivors will lose max HP

Gates and Walls
· Must be rotated prior to placement! Press Ctrl+R to rotate them clockwise.

Unit and Item Classifications
· Units are tagged with appropriate classifications; Human, Building, Melee, Ranged, Magic, Workstation, etc.
· Items can be tagged with a classification requirement so that their effects are only applied to certain classifications of units, based on who's holding the item.
· Now, some items can only be used by certain classes of unit.

New Enemy: Tombstones
· Tombstones are a new search-and-destroy type of elite that spawn outside your base and continiously spawn Dark Minions until they are destroyed.
· They don't despawn during the day so make sure to prioritize them!

New Enemy: Fallen Bandits (Raiders)
· A new type of elite unit that attacks in groups. If you hear a horn sound during the day STAY INDOORS! Raiders are coming to attack your base!
· 1st time Raiders attack there is 1 wave, 2nd time is 2 waves, 3rd time is 3 ways and a mini-boss.
· Must kill all raiders in a day to receive rewards.

New Enemy: Forbidden One
· A new boss search-and-destroy type of boss that spawns outside of your base and continuously spawns Tentacles until it is destroyed.
· They don't despawn during the day so make sure to prioritize them!

· Added Flint and Tinder item that lets you build a Camp Fire anywhere, hero starts with one
· Brass Contraption and Wisdom Knuckle can target elites as well as zombies now
· Fixed the Night Scope item FINALLY

· Bosses no longer have the possibility to drop less desirable items such as Ceremonial Daggers or Stamina Potions
· Aboms drop a random rare item, Crypt Fiends drop a random epic item, Forgotton One drops a random legendary item
· Gates can be upgraded while open and stay open during the upgrade
· Now any friendly unit can pick up a hero's heart, not just Acolytes
· Players start with a Ceremonial Dagger (for now, might rework hero revival in the future)
· Decreased the amount of gold found by looting
· Meat Wagons attack 10% slower
· Removed the 6th HQ Tent level
· Players must research the ability to cut down trees, costs 250L
· New spawn controller system that makes sure not to spawn too many units at once

· Relocating your HQ Tent now costs gold
· Increased spike XP distribution range from 320 -> 512
· Increased cost of Holy Book from 150L -> 300L
· Decreased cost of Hunting Rifle from 5G/1000L -> 4G/860L
· Increased Hero attack type damage against Fortified armor type from 50% -> 100%
· Increased Orc Skeleton max alive count from 2 -> 3 on normal difficulty
· Increased hero attack range from 600 -> 800
· Increased Crypt Fiend hp and armor
· Increased Builder base armor from 1 to 10
· Reduced Cultist damage by 40%
· Some Cheese is renamed to Bleu Cheese and is worth more
· Camp Fire has more health and armor and scales with Camp Defense research
· Item sell rate increased from 60% to 75%
· Increased collision size of raiders
· Attack type vs armor type adjustments across the board (game might feel harder now, more adjustments will be necessary before ship)
· Elite damage reduced by 25% across the board
· Reduced air elite stats by 25%
· Meat Wagons: attack 2x slower
· Wyrms: attack 1.5x slower, increased aoe damage distribution, attack damage +25%, health +25%, range +25%
· Ranged Target: health increased 50 -> 500
· Archimonde: decreased attack damage by 25%, added war stomp ability
· Infernal: decreased attack damage by 25%
· Doom Guard: increased stats (except attack damage) by 50%, removed war stomp ability
· Fel Hound: increased attack damage by 25%, everything else increased by 50%
· Tombstones: more tombstones spawn if you kill them fast enough
· Tentacles: increased attack range
· All item prices were adjustment across the board (for trading)
· Balanced guard tower damage
· Waves are randomized starting with Insane difficulty instead of hard
· Workbench cost changed from 1G 160L -> 0G 420L
· Builders Tools cost changed from 1G 200L -> 2G 360L
· Lvl 3 shelter survivor hp bonus increased from 150 -> 200
· Decreased chance of looting and items and decreased item rarity overall
· Decreased abom hp by 3x
· Lots of hero/militia/spearmen/priest stat balancing
· Units stunned by spikes cannot be stunned again for 10s
· Decreased base spike stun chance from 10/15/20% to 5/10/15% and duration from 3/4/5s to 2/3/4s
· Increased stun research cost to 2/6/10G and 1000/3000/5000L
· Guard Tower operator bonus attack damage increased from 2.5% to 5% per level
· Increased lumber loot reward and adjust chances to decrease chance of finding gold
· Camp Fire no longer requires an HQ tent to build
· Reworked several building's requirements to use HQ tent levels and workbench instead of Workshop
· Lumber harvest research cost decreased from 10G/15G/20G to 6G/8G/10G
· Meat Wagons max alive count decreased from 4 to 2 + difficulty
· Meat Wagon attack speed reduced by 10%
· Increased HQ tent health

· New map preview image
· No longer forces the player out of the game after last night
· Medical Kit item was renamed to Holy Book
· Locking Apoc 1 and Apoc 2 difficulties
· Trying to make the Builder build page navigation UI more discoverable
· Set space-bar point to camp HQ tent
· New interactive notification system
· Press the Escape key to clear notifications
· An error sound plays when a lootable can't be looted "Not enough mana"
· Looting progress is displayed as a notification instead of a timer dialog
· Armor and Attack Type tooltips have been adjusted to show damage scaling
· Difficulty is displayed to the left of a players name in the game stats multiboard
· Different sounds play based on which loot reward you receive
· Assigned hotkeys to various structures
· New Builder build menu UI shows sparkly effect to catch the eye
· Minimap icons appear on elites still alive after night ends

Bug Fixes
· Fixed a bug that caused taunted zombies to immediately return to attacking a wall
· Fixed a bug where Gargoyles only did 20 damage to structures
· Filled in a farm area in the SE of the map with pathing blockers
· Fixed a bug where the victory message was not shown for players who beat the game
· Fixed a bug where Ghosts were sometimes invulnerable at the wrong time
· Zombies spawned from looting no longer teleport to player bases
· Archimonde is no longer instantly killed by brass contraption
· Undead only drop items/gold if a player was the cause of death
· Fixed a bug where heroes couldn't be revived using their heart item if they had decayed
· Deer spawn further away from player bases
· "giveLumber" chat command now works as intended
· Undead are more likely to target organic units when there is a clear path to the target player's HQ tent (hopefully mazing is more possible?)
· Fixed a bug where spawned enemies would try to attack buildings they couldn't reach
· Fixed a bug where zombies would sometimes not spawn for some players
· Fixed a bug where open/close gate required HQ tent
· Fixed a bug where jobless survivors would have incorrect gather/return level
· Fixed a bug where enemies would spawn for players who lost the game
· Fixed some colliding hotkeys
· Fixed a bug that caused the first couple days to be shorter than they should be
· Undead should no longer be healed when attacked by militia, spearmen, or marksmen
· Fixed performance issues when multiple survivors are selected