Various subprojects for AVR's sharing a small library of common code.
mctrl - motor control. arduino. HDLC-like framing over USART. Interrupt driven. buffers packets in statically allocated space.
arr - Code for the arduino (atmega328p), attempting to get usart message parsing and servo control functioning.
lline - old linefollower code for an atiny861
heavy - a atmega644p with attached magnetic card reader and (eventually) lcd display.
common - some code that is useful in general.
- async adc
- macro generated queuing
- motor control
- servo control
- i2c noblock - currently borked for unknown reasons, bus is unable to leave the transmitting state for the stop state
- spi noblock - needs to be reworked
- spi blocking - limited and unused presently, useful @ high spi clocks.