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Soldering information and parameters

jmf13 edited this page Jan 1, 2021 · 5 revisions

The board came 80% stuffed. Remaining work was to solder:

  • few SMD, mostly 0805, small coil and electrolytic cap,
  • TAS3251 (most difficult thing),
  • Through hole components.

I built the board using a basic NEWACALOX 878D rework station: hot air + soldering iron.

For learning a lot about soldering and desoldering various SMD packages, I warmly recomment Androkavo youtube videos. They are so informative ! Androkavo soldering tutorials

For Hot Air, I used 300-350°C and setting "2" for the airflow.

Hot air has been used to solder L5 and C42 (failed to do it with the soldering iron ; easy with hot air)

The TAS3251 was not difficult to solder using a "mini stencil" I made using a laser cutter and transparency films (the mylar ones that go in laser printers, 0.1mm thick)

To fine tune the TAS3251 soldering, I use flux and 1 and 2 mm C1 / C2 soldering tips. Those tips have the hability to carry a small amount of solder to the tips, or, reverse, to pull some extra solder from the pins.