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Started down the trek of a public page on Github, yesterday. There were three sites for hints: 1) (it looked reasonable; got through the steps to where I could load my index page; got a 404 - there was a note about it taking a few minutes; however, on looking at the files, the date was several years ago; is this link still pertinent?), 2) (more recent, last year; points to supporting sites; mentions that you're on your own - which doesn't phase me), 3) (seems a little clearer on getting the page visible; will look at that today). I guess I got pulled into looking at Jekyll. Will do that later after hacking the html manually (or using Composer).

Again, the focus is content, primarily. That involves truth engineering. And, as I go down these paths, I'm always looking at why and other choices while making comparison to prior experience. Guess what? Truth engineering puts the human back in the loop and will be a tool to manage the computational overlord that likes to manifest itself which really is people just playing along (we need to discuss this) unconsciously for various reasons. So, now off to get a page visible, then we'll step back and summarize.

Okay, it works. I had not done the Settings step of picking a theme. Also, I was addressing it improperly; but, the URL was right there after things aligned fine. Since there was no index.html at the top level, it picked up the, that's nice to know. So, time to just hack this until I either pick a theme or just build. Which?

Convergence, of past, now and future. I'll be more detailed as we go along. 1) This is recent. I went from MicroSoft's .NET aspx to Linux and my own hacking of the code using text editors, in the beginning. I even cut images from the aspx site in order to have the same look. Then, slowly, introduced improvements. So, it was a mixture. One young full-stack-er noted that he used VIM. Myself, EMACS from way back. Guess what, Vi was fairly rudementary when compared to what we could do with a Lisp Machine. Anyway, a balance, folks. 2) Recent, too. Before I went Linux, I had looked at Drupal, Joomla, Concrete 5, and Wordpress. Look meaning prototyped using it. Ah, too complicated. Why? Not sure, except my head was heavily into content which was entirely new to me and demanded lots of attention. I had already done static mode web for a couple of decades, so it was like second nature. Anyway, I also looked at other packages, like those web site development kits that one sees provided by ISPs. Did not like them? What was there about Open Office that was so attractive? I'll have to see if old notes, or web pages, might go into that. Jekyll is familiar to anyone on GitHub. I just learned of it yesterday. Oh yes, I would have used 'structure' versus static. Okay? We'll discuss why this is a needed concept. 3) From 2016. Okay, back then I was playing with CSS to meet the mobile-friendly requirement of Google. It was fun. A little before, I had take dozens of classes at codecademy. Meaning, that I fiddle about a hour a day for three months. Sometimes less. I enjoyed having those on-line interpreters available. Even used them to test some code. 4) This from 2015. Same theme. But, it talked of a group going to WordPress, then to Drupal, then to Jekyll. Yes, I did Joomla, Concrete 5 and WordPress (twice and have two blogs now there). For Concrete 5, I used it for part of the web site's functionality, for a while. The team fought Drupal for two years. I saw its failings, for me, within a few hours.

As I wrote, home again: All of this will be tied up, before we get into the brainstorming phase. Want to rope some youngsters into working with me. Of course, I work pro-bono in a non-profit. We are going to get means to have a type of stipend available, at some point. For now, fun is the only thing to offer. Too? Truth engineering. An overlooked necessity.

Looking to see if Jerkyll-now (forking it) will be faster. ... Also, to read:,, ... And, consider the themes:, ..., it's nice to see function and blog together; could be overall architecture; ... Have to, at least, look at Hugo, ...,

08/14/2019 -- brought in the default.html (into index) from the biz directory of with a few changes so that it would run under So, own css and js files in operation. Now, how to best keep minimalist while meeting requirements plus kee up with the forward issues. Or, where we can look across the long decades and observe what was versus what was ignored.

... need a button that says, look at it in GitHub (grab from one of the templates) ... Added link to the README and Rlog (md) files.

So, with the main page settled down, we'll start to look at options. Our main focus? Content. The configuration has to fit the need and not just be a pretty face. We have too much of that on the Internet. Fit? Remember, coming out of an engineering environment with major computing involved and where form, fit, function make sense (I need to talk to the Haskell people about that last one).


08/27/2019 -- Notification of GitHub's Actions (beta) access being available.

08/26/2019 -- Working in a private area. Notice only public activity is reported.

08/19/2019 -- More aware of use, now. Such as this: Small scale and interesting for several reasons. Saw DL (tensorflow.js) here.

08/16/2019 -- Got GitHub'ing set up with our own format from the PortalToTruth. Will review this for improvement after doing a process review. Notes will be posted at the public page while re-organization goes on.

09/17/2019 -- Several items pending with some notion of priority coming to fore. Resources, mostly time, are always an issue.

09/19/2019 -- Need to get back to the jekyll blog introduction, from a month ago.

01/08/2020 -- What? Another year? Hats as metaphor for the 'floor' is very appropriate, though there are many floors that we handle, like jugglers with the balls. The culmination of the 'roll' using a static data file in several areas with different modes brought to fore the database issue, even if it's more NOSQL than not. That brings up backending which points toward remote access or, as the modern variant shows us, services as something other than the current overarching theme for the modern age.