This aims to obe a quick way to setup and then keep your dyanmic ip updated on Cloudflare through the use of their API.
I wrote this as kind of a intro to Go and becuase I needed a way to keep my Cloudflare records up to day with my dynamic ip. Homelab stuff.
gocloud [--debug]
--debug Writes a LOT of spammy messages to stdout, this does help with finding issues
This does require a config.yml file to be placed in the same directory as the main exeacutable. I've included an example file, config.example.yml you can make a copy of this and remove the .example part from the name.const
Be sure to read the comments in there it's fairly self explnitory. The gist of it is you need your Cloudflare email, and Global API Key as well some zones you want to make sure are up to date.
How does it work? Well it loops through your list of zones (defined in config.yml) and calls the Cloudflare API to then fetch a list of all "A" records for this DNS Zone.
We then iterate over these records looking for a matching name (again in your config.yml) if a name is matcched and IP set in this type "A" record is different than your external IP (or IP set in config.yml) we set it to match. If the name is not matched OR the IP already matches we don't do anything.