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Washington Gun Control Revisited

John Spens edited this page Dec 11, 2013 · 3 revisions


This is the data that was employed to analyze the the movement of illegal guns in and out of Washington DC for this blog post.

source directory: washington-gun-control-revisited

file: gun-tracing-2008-2012.csv


Counts of guns traced to and from the fifty states and the District of Columbia [2008 - 2012]


Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Statistics Database (

Field Definitions

YEAR: Year in which the firearms were recovered

STATE: State

HOMICIDES/100K: The number of homicides per 100,000 residents of that state during the reporting year

TOTAL TRACED: The total number of firearms recovered in the state that year

LOCALLY SOURCED: The total number of firearms recovered in the state that year that also originated in the state

% LOCAL: The percentage of firearms recovered in the state that were locally sourced.

SOURCED/100K: Number of firearms recovered across the US that originated in this state, per 100,000 residents.

TRACED/100K: Number of firearms recovered in this state, per 100,000 residents.

RATIO: The ratio of number of firearms traced (per 100,000 residents) to the number of firearms sourced (per 100,000 residents).

PERCENTILE: The percentile rank of SOURCED/100K for the state for that reporting year.