This is a simple program that hides data in the least significant bit (LSB) of each color for each pixel. The bottom right 11 pixels are used to store the message length. The remaining pixels are used for the message itself.
Starting from the last pixel, read the LSB of the RED value, then that of the GREEN value, and finally that of the BLUE value. When finished, move to the pixel in front of the current one and repeat. Repeat this process as needed. When put together this forms the binary representation of the message and its length.
You must have golang installed to run/build from source code
To run golang code from source you can use the following from terminal:
go run main.go
Alternatively you can build using
go build main.go
And then run using the created binary
go run main.go -r image.png
main.exe -r image.png
Writing a message**
-w imageName "message here"
Writing from text file
-f imageName "file name"
Reading from an image
-r imageName