A Substrate-based blockchain node for Clevelanders. This Blockchain is an example and experiment for my presentation at the Crypto Cleveland meetup. The chain is Proof of Work based with simple onchain governance. During the meetup we will launch the network, transfer coins, mine coins, and explore the nature of on-chain governance.
As an end-user of the network, the easiest way to begin is by launching the hosted user-interface.
You can also build the node yourself. This is the most well-trodden path, but has some prerequisites and takes some disk space.
# Install Rust
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
# Initialize rust toolchain
# Build release node for your platform
cargo build --release
Once you have you node, you can join the live network. Because building to wasm is not yet deterministic, the most reliable way to ensure you sync the correct chain is to first download this Chain Specification File. Here are some docs about how Substrate uses chain spec files.
As a full node:
./cle-coin --chain=mainnet-spec.json --name YOUR-NODE-NAME
As a mining node:
./cle-coin --chain=mainnet-spec.json --name YOUR-NODE-NAME --validator
There are not yet block rewards issued to miners. See for issue #2 for details.
Once you have your own node running, you can connect the user interface to your own node rather than the fairly centralized bootnode. On the UI Setting tab, choose the node you wish to connect to.
There are no guarantees that this network will live much beyond the meetup. Although that really is up to the participants. Let's go Cleveland!