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Alejandro Revilla edited this page Jun 5, 2024 · 229 revisions


  • BinLog gets 'queue' feature 14a84ca9
  • Add SysConfigManager.getBigDecimal 48de2cdd
  • Upgraded dependencies to address assorted minor CVEs PR303


  • Http/query: support DELETE and PATCH PR294
  • Add SysConfigManager.getBigDecimal 48de2cdd

jPOS-EE 2.2.9 -- released 2023-12-23

  • Security related dependency updates PR240

    jettyVersion = '9.4.44.v20210927' guavaVersion = '31.0.1-jre' jacksonVersion = '' nettyVersion = '4.1.73.Final' httpAsyncClientVersion = '4.1.5' mysqlJDBCVersion = '8.0.28'

  • Q2Info handles /q2/mux/{muxname}/connected returning HTTP 503 if not connected PR242

  • New QRest ExtractFormParams participant 1dcea264

  • Support for Environment to flyway service PR245

  • Use try with resource in Ping eb7a5984

  • Use try with resource to close FileReader PR255

  • CaptureDate - trim millis PR167

  • QRest: Add participant to extract file from POST PR259

  • QRest: Add ability to configure max header size PR261

  • Add sysconfig Environment Provider PR262

  • Floor GLTransaction.postDate 357b836b

  • Upgrade Hibernate to 5.6.11-Final d656a18b

  • Add jPOS-EE bom module 784e34a1

  • EEUser set defaults to avoid certain bugs when an eeuser boolean column is null PR263

  • OriginalDataElementsWrapper: support long STAN PR264

  • Add QRest CORS support PR269

  • Add support for '.' on qrest path parameter PR271

  • TestRunner Wait for all session workers to finish PR275

  • TagsConverter: correctly handle null values PR277

  • Upgrade Jetty to 9.4.50 e387d16a

  • Upgrade jPOS to 2.1.9 series PR278

  • DBManager Refactor in createCriteriaQuery to avoid npe and duplicate results PR281

  • SysConfig disable caching 87012c30

  • Refactor Additional Amounts PR285

  • Upgrade Groovy to 3.0.20 PR293

  • Upgrade Jetty to 9.4.53.v20231009 PR295

  • Upgrade reference to JLine in Groovy module PR297

jPOS-EE 2.2.8 released 2022-02-02

  • Upgrade Hibernate to 5.5.0.Final 61949713
  • Upgrade Gradle to 6.8.2 and maven-publish plugin 35b02548
  • Disable DB.createSchema by default PR217
  • GLSession.getMinBalance, getMaxBalance PR218
  • Upgrade Hibernate to 5.5.4.Final 0756f3a1
  • Status: Use source column to relate syslog events PR221
  • Add getAffectedLayers helper PR224
  • Upgrade Jodatime to 2.10.12 c0fbf7f5
  • Status: Use source column to relate syslog events PR221
  • Upgrade Netty to 4.1.69.Final c6ca9040
  • Avoid NPE on createBalanceCache PR232
  • Add TxnId.create Instant support 7cf42e47
  • New 'cmf' module PR234
  • Bump JDOM to - fixes CVE-2021-33813 78c4fd6c
  • Upgrade Logback to 1.2.8 fadf47ba
  • Upgrade ElasticSearch to 7.16.1 PR235
  • QRest Router - put METHOD in Context 2da98129
  • QuartJobs autoconfigure 619ba38a
  • Avoid NPE in BLException.getDetailedMessage PR236
  • upgrade postgres driver to 42.2.13 (CVE-2020-13692) PR237
  • BinLog FD leak PR247

jPOS-EE 2.2.7 released 2021-06-04

  • Run tests against all recent Java versions and migrate tests to junit5 PR108
  • Add QRest Static and Dynamic content participants 80090d50
  • QRest SendResponse Release request ByteBuf 6322db90
  • Upgrade Jackson to 2.10.0.pr1 e0b48543
  • Add CryptoServiceKeyStoreProviderf5a9f74a
  • Add DB.getDialect() method ce5a893f
  • Add miniGL native getBalance calculation 2851fbe9
  • Add flyWay module 2bee08b6
  • Add Groovy group selector PR111
  • Upgrade Netty to 4.2.42.Final (fixes CVE-2019-16869) e8f6a7ee
  • New PASSWD cli command, to change an eeuser's password PR113
  • Updated dependencies PR114
  • GroovyParticipant: Support [] syntax with generic objects for accessing Context entries in scripts PR116
  • HttpQuery added BasicAuthentication support 3a148238
  • Fix gradle deprecation warnings on Gradle 6. PR122
  • GroovyParticipant: default NO_JOIN PR127
  • New method to get the JChannel initiated by ReplicatedSpace PR129
  • MiniGL acct.children now lazy=true instead of lazy=extra 3de6c1d8
  • GLSession.addAccount now defaults to 'fast' b0b86ef1
  • ProtectDebugInfo: Make wipe and protect iso paths PR136
  • Add a new UserType to map jsonb columns PR137
  • GroovyParticipant now provides metamethod equivalents of PR138
  • Moved DateUtil from jposee-syslog to jpos core PR141
  • Honor hibernate.cfg.xml when provided issue-135
  • Heartbeat method getDetail made protected so that derived classes can PR142
  • Upgrade Postgresql JDBC driver to 4.2.11 72eda464
  • Remove useless max-random-operations feature from CryptoService PR147
  • Upgrade Quartz to 3.2.2 (CVE-2019-13990) 91ea675c
  • add TxnId.toFile 525323bf
  • MiniGL adds on-delete="cascade" to BalanceCache, Checkpoint and AccountLock ea27be24
  • Add DBFilter functional interface PR154
  • Adding redirect-strategy to HttpQuery PR156
  • Added versions of createReverse able to preserve tags of entries PR159
  • Refactor binlog to use AsynchronousFileChannel API PR160
  • Close participant db.close should be in a finally block Issue-157
  • Added elastic search log integration PR164
  • ProtectDebugInfo: allow wiping of TLVList items. PR165
  • GroovyParticipant and GroovyRequestListener accept classpath config PR166
  • GLSession add abiity to force dialect 070ef06f
  • Gives HttpQuery subclasses ability to customize HTTP client PR182
  • minigl: Allow using embedded postgres in unit tests PR180
  • Upgrade Hibernate to 5.4.22.Final 6c2b4e14
  • Optionally bypass certificate validation PR189
  • Sort out compatibility issues with Microsoft SQL Server regarding max field lengths. PR191
  • Add github workflow. PR195
  • Reuse balance cache in createBalanceCache's getBalance PR202
  • Status: use the 'Environment' class to get the Monitor properties PR203
  • Added SeqNoMgr.get methods d957b09e
  • QRest.SendResponse - add ability to override mapper fc415a64
  • SysLog.detail and trace, use 'string' instead of 'text' 3d867058
  • Jetty: externalize keystore password configuration. PR207
  • HttpQuery: handle response 204 (no content) [PR209][
  • Status: add method overloads that accept the status group name as argument PR210
  • HttpQuery: add hability to configure HTTP version PR213
  • MiniGL GLTransaction simplify method PR214
  • GLSession addJournal() PR215

jPOS-EE 2.2.6 released 2019-06-16

  • Larger detail in GLTransaction and GLEntry 2d128b20
  • Upgrade to Vaadin 8.5.2 dc2ad625
  • Fix on ConsumersView to set roles when creating new consumer PR88
  • Upgrade to Vaadin Gradle Plugin 1.4.1 dca42911
  • Upgrade to Hibernate 5.3.7.Final 4c76fc73
  • Use Consumer.hash insteaed of Consumer.secureData to store secret fe90fc92
  • Multi-tenant support - realm roles PR89 - WARNING: requires database migration.
  • Security: Removed Vaadin7 dependencies 079a8d4 related to CWE-502 - Deserialization of Untrusted Data
  • QRest's ValidateParams now accepts type of param PR90
  • Upgrade Jackson to 2.9.8 db8ef91c
  • Util.floor and Util.ceil with precision param PR91
  • Fixed issue with Hibernate key-many-to-one schema generation 466d074a
  • Avoid reusing SecureRandom in CryptoService [#92)(
  • New 'seqno' module f7a9d9d3
  • minigl: add Util.nextFloor(Date, int) PR93
  • Add route support at qrest's server level 405dae71
  • Upgrade to JGropups 4.0.16.Final 52842f45
  • Added QI MarkdownView 1a8b27d7
  • Upgrade Hibernate to 5.3.8.Final 04a59bfa
  • b905666f
  • Improved ProtectDebugInfo performance and error checking b905666f
  • Upgrade MySQL JDBC driver to 8.0.15 ef59f9b9
  • Upgrade logback to 1.2.3 274d5d28
  • Upgrade Hibernate to 5.4.1.Final, c3p0 to df59ec4d
  • Upgrade Jetty to 9.4.15.v20190215 938ee4fc
  • Upgrade Json Schema Validator and Guava 88169042
  • Add helper DBManager.byId method PR96
  • Upgrade Gradle to 5.3 de9cdabc
  • Upgrade JodaTime to 2.10.2 a41bc308
  • Rewriting GLSession#getRecentCheckpoint in HQL to avoid hibernate issues with HBMs and composite-id 19af409b
  • Groovy classes now honor ${} syntax for the src attribute PR168
  • Allow LoginView to be extended to implement custom Login behaviour (

jPOS-EE 2.2.5 - released 2018-09-19

  • SAFMonitor moved into its own saf-monitor module 9aab10d
  • New ManagerSupport class, with basic DB operations. SysConfigManager signature change on getAll method. 3ac9d32b
  • ReplicatedSpace handle expirable space listeners 92b5d371
  • Upgrade JGroups to 4.0.4.Final 58a2a041
  • GroovyParticipant huge performance improvements f56a1f62
  • TagsConverter properly deal with empty tags 66ff3d2f
  • Upgraded Jetty to 9.4.5.v20170502, Vaadin to 8.1.5 da7f4e42
  • Upgraded Gradle Vaadin Plugin to 1.2.4 99e9838e
  • CREATESCHEMA now supports config modifier 78c36bff
  • Added support for multiple session factories in DBInstantiator PR54
  • Added cryptoservice module f375b1b2
  • Added TxnId helper 79701edc
  • Improved handling of headers in client simulator 536221cb
  • Upgrade Vaadin to 8.2.0 4948141f
  • Avoid reusing Quartz default scheduler - issue #67 9fb8ed99
  • ProtectDebugInfo now supports wipe-ISOMsg properties 8f994273
  • Fixed typo in DBInstantiator.config-modifier 6b1fe264
  • Upgrade Gradle to 4.6 2d07beb9
  • Use independent semaphores per config modifier in DB object 47e734f0
  • Upgrade Jackson to 2.9.4 225eb349
  • Added QRest module 04ee96f5
  • Upgrade Hibernate to 5.2.17.Final 2b40033a
  • added CryptoService lock/unlock a36f269b
  • added CryptoServer module bb1d58b7
  • Performance issue in minigl module getBalance() issue #76
  • ManagerSupport renamed to DBManager with enhanced features issue #77
  • Get accountdetail options PR78
  • CryptoService now uses unlock Supplier facdf52b
  • Import now post transaction (honouring transaction rules) 232f82588f65...f0f4ff680f9c
  • Added miniGL CHKCACHE 99baa2f3
  • Upgrade JodaTime to 2.10 c9b777d1
  • Quartz Implement TriggerListener PR82
  • QRestServer accepts 'content' property 5b3f7180
  • Modify DBAction and DB.exec to use type inference PR88
  • Added QRest ValidateParam and ResultCode 90a8a457
  • Added iso over http support PR86

jPOS-EE 2.2.4 -- released 2017-05-27

  • Use jPOS 2.1.0
  • Upgrade Hibernate to 5.2.6.Final bae14b7
  • Upgrade Vaadin to 7.7.6, Jetty to 9.2.19 ffc5332
  • Added contributed DBInstantiator PR43
  • Adding module db-mssql for Microsoft SQL Server PR46
  • ClientSimulator adds ability to ignore response 88e820a

jPOS-EE 2.2.3 -- released

  • remove stdout output from DB.createSchema PR42
  • Upgrade jPOS to 2.0.10
  • Added 'binlog' module ab87c69

jPOS-EE 2.2.2 -- released 2016-08-23 (tagged v_2_2_2)[]

  • Upgrade to Hibernate 5.2.1.Final 1d24378a
  • Temporarily disable automatic constraint creation in Account.hbm.xml ca814302
  • Hibernate current_session_context_class now defaults to managed, max c3p0 sessions 100 aae0f19
  • miniGL: Added addTag method to GLTransaction and GLEntry 8f842a4
  • miniGL: Added hasTag db5aee2
  • Use JPA annotations in sysconfig 23e2a18
  • Add boolean running() method to QuartzJobSupport
  • Started work on QI (Q2 user interface) bf52f2
  • MiniGL reduce use of instanceof in Account class 263c272

Upgrade to Vaadin 7.7.5 79fe611

jPOS-EE 2.2.1 -- released 2016-07-21

  • Upgrade to Hibernate 5.1.1.Final 7a68ba3
  • Use commons-lang on a per-module basis instead of core ea109f3
  • Validate not null in TagsType replace PR37
  • GLTransaction extends Cloneable PR38
  • UserManager now updates passwordChanged and forcePasswordChange fields f7f309
  • Added groovy module 5d1d1d8
  • Added experimental GroovyParticipant c597f0e
  • Updated dependencies (slf4j, logback, jetty, servlet-api, websocket, jetty, jackson) 50e4e55
  • Fixed race condition in MiniGL createBalanceCache 11d56e4c - follow-up fix in 758ce05.

jPOS-EE 2.2.0 -- released 2016-04-20

Starting with this version, we move to Semantic Versioning. Stable releases will be available from now on in the jPOS Maven Repo.


  • Login/Password properties in User (no longer in eeuser_props) 34f6f43 - warning, requires ALTER TABLE
  • Upgrade Hibernate to 5.0.5.Final c755bf8
  • Upgrade to jdom2 e83bfab
  • DB now supports multiple configs 631ba70


  • Upgrade to Hibernate 5.0.2 (e64f52e...4787f7c)[]
  • Upgrade Gradle to 2.8
  • dbsupport: Add CREATESSCHEMA CLI command 9f3a814
  • dbsupport: Added Tags usertype and converter bb762a5
  • Upgrade Jetty version to 9.2.14.v20151106 1289e24
  • Added DB.unwrap to dbsupport 7e6bc6f
  • Added ObjectNodeConverter & JsonType to allow JSON persistency PR33
  • Added DebugDB participant 410e75b


  • Move baseline to Java 1.8 bb6d006
  • UserManager defaults to VERSION.ONE (PBKDF2WithHmacSHA256) hash; please note this requires an ALTER TABLE eeuser as the password column is now called passwordHash d943fc9
  • Update Jodatime to 2.8 565c729a
  • Migrated rspace module from old jPOS-EE repo eeabc135
  • Upgrade to Hibernate 4.3.10.Final f6d127e6
  • Add testbed module b5177f6
  • Add DB.exec and DB.execWithTransaction a5a60d5
  • Add testbed module aa282d8
  • Add BeanDiff b5d8a92
  • Add eerest module 8f04653
  • Upgrade logback to 1.1.3 469702c
  • Upgrade mysql-connector-java to 5.1.36 980fa1e
  • User and Consumer, added start and end date 681af75
  • Add FSDMsgX module 5a1ab03f
  • Add eager fetch profile to Revision.hbm PR-28
  • Add miniGL.GLEntry tag related helper methods efb7dd6
  • Minor changes in BeanDiff (removed some warnings) 3a1b404
  • Add 3812991
  • TestRunner Use the header in the response instead of a null PR-31
  • Upgrade Hibernate to 4.3.11.Final 62f4215a
  • add createReverse(withTags, withoutTags) variant 579e1c2
  • Upgrade sshd-core to 0.14.0 28aeb17
  • SSHD non interactive commands 7c60899

jPOS-EE 2.0.8 -- released 2015-02-28