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API REST for the Raspberry PI and the devices connected


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The Browseable REST API for your Raspberry IOT Projects


  • API Rest browseable and documented
  • APIRest modular, it is easily extending its functions.
  • Support for asyncronous tasks (Long Polling).
  • Massive deployment and configuration control with ansible.
  • Security management, creation and management of API users.
  • Open Source, with widely used technologies.


  • Install Raspbian in a RaspberryPi 2 or 3 with ssh access

  • Desployment with Ansibble

git clone
ansible-galaxy install -r requiriments.yml
#Edit inventory file with your Raspberrypi infraestructure
ansible-playbook pirest-sense-hat.yml -l rpis -i inventory
  • Create superuser for login in the GUI
ssh rpi
cd /opt/rpirest
python3 createsuperuser --username admin --email admin@localhost --noinput
python3 changepassword admin
  • Login in the GUI with the superuser credentials

Extending the API REST

If you have python know and you know how the DRF works, you can extend this Framework. You can add support to a new shield, sensor or gadget connected to your Raspberry.

You only have to follow these steps:

  • Create a new django application: python3 startapp <name_app>
  • Create a API REST with DRF using the class MyRouter() from core.common
  • Make the Rest API Available editing rpirest/ using the router created.

Here is an example, extracted from the apires_dht app code:

### file apirest_dht/

def routes():

    router = MyRouter()
    router.register(r'env_sensor/humidity', HumidityView, base_name='dht_humidity')
    router.register(r'env_sensor/temperature', TemperatureView, base_name='dht_temperature')
    return router.urls
### file rpirest/
   #APIs DRF
    url(r'^api/v1/dht11/', include(dht_routes()), {'device': "dht11"}),


