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Run DigitalScratch on Windows

Julien Rosener edited this page Jun 11, 2013 · 8 revisions

Install DigitalScratch

There are 2 possibilities to install DigitalScratch on Windows: build yourself (Build Digital-Scratch on Windows) or install pre-build packages (

Setup the DJ environment.

First you have to plug properly the turntables, the sound card and the computer: Setup DJ environment.

Install ASIO sound card drivers.

DigitalScratch works with Jack (see above) which only deal with ASIO drivers for sound card. If your sound card is not bundled with ASIO driver check out this project:

Install/configure Jack sound server

Jack (which is required to use DigitalScratch) is a sound server: all sound applications are sending and getting sound from it. One of the best feature is to connect sound card inputs and outputs to applications and also applications together. When DigitalScratch starts, it connects sound card inputs and outputs with it (this is the default behavior, you can change it). More info about this project: JACK.

Install Jack:

  • Get Windows binary from
  • Install it.
  • Run from cmd: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Jack\jackd.exe" -R -S -d portaudio -d "ASIO::ASIO 2.0 - ESI U46" or "C:\Program Files (x86)\Jack\jackd.exe" -R -S -d portaudio -d "ASIO::ASIO4ALL v2" (if you use Asio4all). You could also tweak a shortcut based on Jack PortAudio entry in Windows menu. The last argument is the name of your sound card. To get it: jackd -d portaudio -l.
  • Start Jack Control from the Windows menu.

Basically that's what Jack Control should look:

Checkout server options:
Jack settings

Start DigitalScratch


Look at the Connect section of Jack Control, it should have connected DigitalScratch to your sound card, feel free to change it by inserting a sound effect application for example.
Jack connections

You are ready to mix: load a track on a Deck section and start your timecoded vinyl.