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This repo showcases my work for streamlit hackathon.

The goal of this repo is to quickly build a connection by extending the built-in ExperimentalBaseConnection to execute queries easily on EdgeDB.

As EdgeDB maintains the official edgedb-python client library, our objective is to create the EdgeDBConnection class by wrapping the client while adhering to the interface of ExperimentalBaseConnection.

The live demo app is hosted on Streamlit Cloud.

Basic Concept of EdgeDBConnection

edgedb-python offers 6 types of query function:

  • client.query
  • client.query_single
  • client.query_required_single
  • client.query_json
  • client.query_single_json
  • client.query_required_single_json

We have abstracted the logic into the EdgeDBConnection.query function by utilizing two flags, jsonify and required_single, respectively.

Below is the relation table for your reference:

jsonify required_single EdgeDB function call
False None client.query
False False client.query_single
False True client.query_required_single
True None client.query_json
True False client.query_single_json
True True client.query_required_single_json

For other operations (execute, transaction, close), we delegate back to the client property, which is a nickname for the _instance property that wraps our underlying client.

EdgeDBConnection follows the context management protocol as it implements __enter__ and __exit__ methods, so users can use it with the with statement.

Additionally, the instance of EdgeDBConnection is callable, serving as a shortcut for executing transactions. Instead of:

    client = edgedb.create_client()
    for tx in client.transaction():
        with tx:
            tx.query('SELECT {1, 2, 3}')

Users can simply write:

    conn = EdgeDBConnection()
    for tx in conn():
        tx.query('SELECT {1, 2, 3}')


For transaction operations, it seems there is no quick way to inject a custom query function inside it. The object we get from looping through client.transaction (Retry instance) uses __slots__, which prevents us from monkey-patching it. After observing the source code, we found that the transaction method relies on Retry, and Retry.__next__ relies on Iteration. Implementing a custom query function, we would need to carefully rewrite these two classes. The workload for this task does not seem trivial, so we have decided not to focus on this part but to put more effort into coordinating EdgeDBConnection with a Streamlit app.


1. Clone this repo

glt clone
cd st_edgedb_conn

2. Install the required dependencies:

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt 

3. Setup EDGEDB_DSN variable (optional)

If you don't setup EDGEDB_DSN variable, you can directly provide a keyword argument to EdgeDBConnection(Check Usage for more detailed information).

Finally, we need to set theEDGEDB_DSN variable in .streamlit/secrets.toml.

EDGEDB_DSN is the so-called database-url for EdgeDB. Establishing a correct DSN can be a bit tricky. Here are some tips:

  • To set a user password, you might need this EdgeDB command:

    edgedb instance reset-password [options] name

    It will create a JSON file stored at /home/edgedb/.config/edgedb/credentials/your_instance_name.json in Linux or C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\EdgeDB\config\credentials\your_instance_name.json in Windows. You can try to open this file to find the information you need.

  • Each EdgeDB instance can contain multiple databases, and the database itself is part of the DSN. If you don't specify a database parameter, the default edgedb will be used.

  • tls_security=insecure might be a good option if you develop locally or connect to an instance without SSL certification. Use it with caution, though.

The template is as follows:

EDGEDB_DSN = "edgedb://edgedb:edgedb@"

Please note edgedb_conn in the [connections.edgedb_conn] must be the same as the first parameter of EdgeDBConnection(default to edgedb_conn).


How to create a connection

If you have EDGEDB_DSN setup in .streamlit/secrets.toml. You can create the connection by:

    conn = EdgeDBConnection()

If you have setup a custom connection name, for example "edgedb_connection", in [connections.edgedb_connection] in .streamlit/secrets.toml, then you need to create the connection by:

    conn = EdgeDBConnection('edgedb_connection')
    conn = EdgeDBConnection(connection_name='edgedb_connection')

If you haven't setup EDGEDB_DSN in .streamlit/secrets.toml. You can create the connection by:

    conn = EdgeDBConnection(dsn=your_dsn)
    conn = EdgeDBConnection('edgedb_connection', dsn=your_dsn)
    conn = EdgeDBConnection(connection_name='edgedb_connection', dsn=your_dsn)


qry = '''SELECT (INSERT Movie {title:='John Vick 5'}) {title};'''
qry_result = conn.query(create_qry, 


qry = '''SELECT assert_single(
                (SELECT Movie {title} 
                 FILTER .title = <str>$title));'''
title = 'John Vick 5'
qry_result = conn.query(qry, 


qry = '''WITH movie := (SELECT assert_single(
                                (Update Movie
                                 FILTER .title = <str>$title
                                 SET {title := 'John Wick 5'})))
         SELECT movie {title};'''
title = 'John Vick 5'
qry_result = conn.query(qry, 


qry = '''WITH movie := (SELECT assert_single(
                                (DELETE Movie
                                 FILTER .title = <str>$title)))
         SELECT movie {title};'''
title = 'John Wick 5'
qry_result = conn.query(qry, 


Run the following command to open the streamlit web interface in the browser:

streamlit run

Our streamlit application, st-edgedb-conn, is deployed to streamlit cloud as a functional app.

We've recorded a short video demonstrating how to perform CRUD operations.

Handy Utilities

st-edgedb-conn offers some handy utilities for users:

  • A link to EdgeDB Cheat Sheet.
  • A link to EdgeDB-Python API docs.
  • A link to Easy EdgeDB, which is a textbook but more like a story-book.
  • Peek DSN to display theEDGEDB_DSN variable stored in .streamlit/secrets.toml.
  • EdgeDB instance healthy check to display the server status by issuing a HTTP request to the EdgeDB instance.

Query Form

Query Form

Execute Form

Execute Form


We have some basic tests to validate the EdgeDBConnection by utilizing a real EdgeDB instance without mocking.

The tests can be run using:

python -m unittest


  • We attempted to use st.cache_data to perform the cache operation, but unfortunately, it didn't work as expected. As a last resort, we utilized st.cache_resource to resolve the cache issue.
  • For READ operations, everything should work smoothly. However, it should be noted that the database could possibly perform CREATE, UPDATE, or DELETE operations by other connections or drivers simultaneously. Under these circumstances, consider setting a low cache value to avoid unexpected outcomes. Also, please keep in mind that in our app, caching is only applicable to read operations and will not be activated for CREATE, UPDATE, or DELETE operations, even if you set up the ttl value.


Streamlit connection utility for effortless EdgeDB query execution.








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