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Enum manual reflection

Julien SOYSOUVANH edited this page Oct 26, 2021 · 2 revisions

For the example, we will manually reflect the following enum:

enum class EThirdPartyEnum : uint8_t
	Value1 = 1 << 0,
	Value2 = 1 << 1

Specialize the rfk::getEnum<> function

First, create a header file that includes the third party enum and specializes the rfk::getEnum function:

#include "ThirdPartyEnum.h"

//Contains base rfk::getEnum definition
#include <Refureku/TypeInfo/Archetypes/Enum.h>

namespace rfk
	template <>
	rfk::Enum const* getEnum<EThirdPartyEnum>() noexcept;

Then, we define the body in a c++ file:

#include <string_view>
#include <Refureku/TypeInfo/Archetypes/GetArchetype.h>
#include "ManualEnumReflection.h"

template <>
rfk::Enum const* rfk::getEnum<EThirdPartyEnum>() noexcept
	static bool initialized = false;
	static rfk::Enum enumArchetype("EThirdPartyEnum",

	if (!initialized)
		initialized = true;

		enumArchetype.addEnumValue("Value1", std::hash<std::string_view>()("Value1"), 1 << 0);
		enumArchetype.addEnumValue("Value2", std::hash<std::string_view>()("Value2"), 1 << 1);
	return &enumArchetype;

You should now be able to retrieve the enum metadata with a rfk::getEnum or rfk::getArchetype call.

Register to the database

We need one extra step to register the enum to the database. In the same source file, add the following:

#include <Refureku/TypeInfo/Archetypes/ArchetypeRegisterer.h>

rfk::ArchetypeRegisterer registerer = *rfk::getEnum<EThirdPartyEnum>();