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Variable manual reflection

Julien SOYSOUVANH edited this page Oct 26, 2021 · 2 revisions

For the example, we will manually reflect the following variable:

extern int const thirdPartyVariable;

Create a function to build the variable metadata

In any source file, create a function to create our variable metadata:

#include "ThirdPartyVar.h"
#include <string_view>
#include <Refureku/TypeInfo/Variables/Variable.h>

static rfk::Variable const& getVariable_thirdPartyVariable() noexcept
	static rfk::Variable var("thirdPartyVariable",

	return var;

Register to the database

In any cpp file, write the following:

#include <Refureku/TypeInfo/Entity/DefaultEntityRegisterer.h>

rfk::DefaultEntityRegisterer registerer_thirdPartyVariable = getVariable_thirdPartyVariable();