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Julien SOYSOUVANH edited this page Oct 24, 2021 · 1 revision

The rfk::Type class holds information about C++ types. It internally is made of a list of rfk::TypePart, and an archetype.
Each rfk::TypePart is either a pointer, a l-value reference, a r-value reference, a C-array or a value, with optional qualifiers (volatile, const).
The archetype is not nullptr only if it is reflected.

The Refureku library has a function to get the rfk::Type object of any statically known type:

rfk::Type const& intRefType = rfk::getType<int&>();

This can be used to check the type of a variable or function return type / parameter:

FUNCTION() int& getIntReference();


if (rfk::getDatabase().getFileLevelFunctionByName("getIntReference")->getReturnType() == rfk::getType<int&>())
    //getIntReference returns a int&

Warning: As unreflected types all have a nullptr archetype, different types might compare equal if they have the same qualifiers. In you are unsure, you might want to check whether archetype is nullptr or not.

class UnreflectedClass1 {};
class UnreflectedClass2 {};

rfk::getType<UnreflectedClass1 const&>() == rfk::getType<UnreflectedClass2 const&>(); //true