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🎞️ 🎬 Implantando o microserviço de catalogo de Cinema do projeto: ` cine-ticket-study-microsservices`

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The phrase: CineCataloGO, Study RESTful APIs in Golang for cinema catalog management
next to a blue gopher, symbol of the golang programming language, sitting in a film director's chair, holding a camera with a clapperboard leaning against his chair

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This is an initial readme, here you can find the project's goals, and some features are not yet fully available.

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⤴️ index

CineCatalogo Microsservice

  1. ⤴️ index
  2. 📗 About
  3. 💻 Run the project
  4. 📰 API Documentation
  5. Tests
  6. 🪲 Debug
  7. Event Storming
  8. 📊 Diagrams
  10. 🕵️ Observability
  11. 🧠 ADR - Architecture Decision Records
  12. 👏 Best Practices
  13. 🧰 Tools
  14. 🔢 Versions
  15. 🤖 Use of AI

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📗 About:

This project aims to address the needs of cataloging cinema halls, movies, and sessions on a cinema ticket e-commerce website. It is part of a broader study of the mentioned e-commerce called CineTicket. However, its responsibility as microservices is to register, maintain, and provide session and seat data.

This is a Golang version of the mentioned service. Swagger Docs, Flow Diagrams, Entity-Relationship Diagrams (DER), and Event Storming provide more context to the service's scenario.

The objective of this system is to maintain a high level of maturity with a consistent RESTful API, along with the possibility of caching and a robust logging system.

In the current branch, you will find the "happy path" for creating addresses, cinema rooms, movies, and posters. Log handling, observability, and testing will be developed in future branches.

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💻 Run the project

Create a copy of the 'SAMPLE.env' file with the name '.env' and run the 'docker compose up' command (according to your 'docker compose' version) in the project's root directory:

$ docker compose build
$ docker compose up

✍️ Note:

Troubleshoting: Error response from daemon: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use It's not uncommon, while running tests and other applications concurrently with Postgres, to encounter a port collision caused by the container/image. You should stop the relevant container, and if the issue persists, use the following commands:

sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep 5432
sudo kill -9 <process id>

as seen in this Stack Overflow question with other possible solutions.

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📰 API Documentation

Swagger Swagger docs:

Below is a screenshot of the latest documentation, which can be accessed here on http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html with the project running locally. For now, only the happy path is functional; new iterations will add observability, testing, and other components.

Generate Docs: You need to have Golang and the project installed locally to run the following command in the project's root directory:

swag init --generalInfo cmd/api/main.go --exclude ./web,./tools -o ./api

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✅ Tests

In the project root directory, and without running all Docker Compose dependencies, execute the following commands:

$ docker compose up postgres-catalogo -d
$ go test -v

The Output:

This project is a simple CRUD with a two-tier architecture. Unit tests don't make sense in this scenario. An integration test is the best approach. At the moment, only the "happy path" for success is covered. I plan to increase the test coverage in the future to include corner cases.

✍️ Note:

It is necessary to have Go 1.21.1 or GVM with this version installed on the machine because tests runs locally.

GithubActions Logo Tests CI with GitHub Actions

Integration tests running on github action:

Upon successful completion of tests, the CI generates a Docker Hub registry:

To set secret password Docker Hub from GitHub repository used in CI: repository settings -> security -> Secrets and Variables -> Actions -> New Repository Secret -> PASSWORD_DOCKER_HUB

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🪲 Debug

Using VSCode as a code editor with the following configuration in the .vscode/launch.json file:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Launch CineCatalogo",
            "type": "go",
            "request": "launch",
            "mode": "debug",
            "program": "${workspaceFolder}/cmd/api/main.go",
            "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
            "trace": "verbose",
            "name": "Test CineCatalogo",
            "type": "go",
            "request": "launch",
            "mode": "test",
            "trace": "verbose",

Alter the .env configuration for DATABASE_HOST and API_HOST to localhost and localhost:8080 respectively to enable local debugging.

API_HOST=localhost:8080          # catalogo-api | localhost:8080
DATABASE_HOST=localhost          # postgres-catalogo | localhost

In the project root directory, and without running all Docker Compose dependencies, execute the following commands:

$ docker compose up postgres-catalogo -d
Distribute breakpoints at code points of interest, and in `Run and Debug` click on `Launch Cinecatalogo`. Access the API via the browser to initiate your debugging process:

To run debugging on test routines, select and click on the "Test CineCatalogo" option in `Run and Debug`. To enable debugging in test mode, no changes are required in the `.env` file, as these environment variable values are initialized within the test suite itself:

See VisualStudio Go Debugging for more configuration details

✍️ Notes:

  • It is necessary to have Go 1.21.1 or GVM with this version installed on the machine because debugging runs locally.
  • Revert .env to its original values to execute docker compose up and restore the correct system behavior.

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☔ Event Storming Diagram:

In November 2023, we conducted event modeling for this project and other parts of CineTicket (Thanx for the help, marciovmartins). We held an extensive remote Event Storming session with the goal of mapping events, commands, aggregates, and their relationships.

You can follow part of our findings on YouTube in PT-BR.

At the moment, we are abstracting the authentication flow and the ticket purchase flow.

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📊 System Diagrams:

Flow Diagram:

graph LR
  subgraph USER FLOW
    F([Logged Admin])
    F --> MAD(Maintain Addresses)
    F --> MFI(Maintain Films)
    F --> MSE(Maintain Sessions)
    F --> MRO(Maintain Cinemas)

  subgraph Catalog Microsservice
    MFI --> FIL[Films]
    MRO --> ROO[Cinemas]
    MSE --> SEA[Seats]
    MAD --> ADR[Adresses]
    MSE --> SES[Sessions]

  %% Create associations between steps
    TIC -->|Associate| SES
    SEA -->|Associate| TIC
    SEA -->|Associate| ROO
    ROO -->|Associate| ADR
    FIL -->|Associate| SES
    SES -->|Associate| ROO


    movies {
        int id
        UUID uuid
        string name
        string description
        int age_rating
        boolean subtitled
        boolean published
        string poster
    posters {
        int    id
        UUID   uuid
        int    movie_id
        string name            
        string contentType     
        string alternative_text 
        string path            
    sessions {
        int id
        UUID uuid
        int film_id
        int theater_id
        string description
        date date
        timestamptz start_time
        timestamptz end_time
        string time
    cinemas {
        int id
        int address_id
        UUID uuid
        string name
        string description
        int capacity
    seats {
        int id
        UUID uuid
        int theater_id
        string code
    tickets {
        int id
        UUID uuid
        int session_id
        int seat_id
    addresses {
        int id
        UUID uuid
        string country
        string state
        string telephone
        string description
        string postal_code
        string name

    movies ||--o{ sessions : has
    movies ||--|| posters : has
    sessions ||--|| cinemas : occurs
    cinemas ||--|{ seats : has
    sessions ||--|{ tickets : has
    seats ||--|{ tickets : has
    cinemas ||--|| addresses : located

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The API is being developed following RESTful guidelines at maturity level 4 for educational purposes. Hal Explores can be used to navigate and validate consistency with the specification by simply accessing a local tests URL http://localhost:4200/#uri=http://localhost:8080/v1/ with the application running. See the Hypertext Application Language for more details .

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🕵️ Observability:

Local URLs:

The volume data is not shared in this repository. To use the 'catalogo-api' project dashboard, it will be necessary create a Datasource aiming your prometheus URL http://prometheus-ticket:9090 and import the corresponding JSON on `scripts/grafana-dashboards/dash-catalogo-api.json` into your local Grafana after the proper installation of the project:

The JSON file is located in scripts/grafana-dashboards

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🧠 ADR - Architecture Decision Records:

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👏 Best Practices

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🧰 Tools

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🔢 Versions:

Version tags are being created manually as studies progress with notable improvements in the project. Each feature is developed on a separate branch, and when completed, a tag is generated and merged into the master branch.

For more information, please refer to the Version History

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🤖 Use of AI:

The header figures on this page were created with the help of artificial intelligence and a minimum of retouching and construction in Gimp Gimp Logo

The following prompts were used, in PT-BR, for creation in Bing IA:

Gopher Cinema Director "Gopher simbolo da linguagem golang azul em cores cartoon chapadas como diretor de cinema, sentado em uma cadeira caracteristica, segurando uma camera e com uma claquete no chão"(sic)

AI also helped in some research in this study by being used as a support tool; however, arts and development are, above all, human creative activities. Value people!

Hire artists for commercial or more elaborate projects and Learn Ingenuity!

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🎞️ 🎬 Implantando o microserviço de catalogo de Cinema do projeto: ` cine-ticket-study-microsservices`






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