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ju1ce edited this page Sep 29, 2021 · 2 revisions

Installing the SteamVR driver

Since version 0.4, we have an installer! Simply run install_driver.exe from driver_files and it will do these steps for you!

Inside the driver_files folder, there is a apriltagtrackers folder. Copy this folder to "Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/drivers". Now, open "Steam/config/steamvr.vrsettings" and, under "steamvr", add the field "activateMultipleDrivers" : true, . The section will now look something like:

"steamvr" : {
      "activateMultipleDrivers" : true,
      "installID" : "17046041383408253036",
      "lastVersionNotice" : "1.15.10",
      "lastVersionNoticeDate" : "1605567489",
      "showAdvancedSettings" : true

This will ensure that every time we launch steamvr, it will attempt to connect to the ApriltagTrackers program through our driver.

TODO: possible problems and fixes, steamvr disabling driver etc, note the uninstaller