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juice edited this page Dec 7, 2022 · 4 revisions

Not all webcams work the same - some cameras will work great, while others will lose tracking with even the slightest movement. The most important part is having as little motion blur as possible, which is usualy achieved by lowering exposure. This list should help people choose and setup their webcam for best performance.

Managed to get a webcam working that is not on the list? Add it!

Example webcam

Performance (how fast can you move without losing tracking?): Very fast / Fast / Medium / Slow / Not at all

Best parameters: state FPS, exposure, gain


  • How did you set parameters?
  • What should you be careful of?

PS3 Eye camera

Performance: Fast

Best parameters: 75 fps, exposure 80, gain 100 (or somewhere around there, depends on lighting)


  • To use the camera directly in ApriltagTrackers, you need the PS3Eye Directshow driver, also known as the PS eye universal driver. While the "open camera settings" parameter will not work, you can use Camera API 9100 to set exposure and gain using the coresponding parameters.
  • CL-Eye driver doesnt work directly in ATT. You should probably just uninstall it and install the one mentioned above.