Author: Juan Gabriel Mejía
Date (yyyy-mm-dd): 2020-05-25
An utility for reviewing books. It allows to load a lists of books from a csv file to a database. It displays a list of books, offers books search, shows a book information card with the book rating. Allows giving starts and a comment as a review for a book. Provides an API to get book info.
Technologies: Python, Flask, Javascript, CSV, Jinja, sqlalchemy.
Before running this project, some environment variables must be set. For Ubuntu, set the following variables in ~/.profile ()
# Python development variables
export FLASK_APP=""
export FLASK_DEBUG=1
export FLASK_ENV="development"
export DATABASE_URL='postgres://'
Before running this project, an Environment must be set for Python 3 and requirements.txt must be then installed
To do so, follow this steps: python3 -m venv my-project-env source my-project-env/bin/activate pip install requests
- db_ultils/
- db_create.sql: SQL for creating the databse schema. Three tables: books, users and reviews, being reviews a relationship between users and books.
- Import into your PostgreSQL database all the books from the file 'books.csv'
- static/
- css/
- main.css: the particular styles for the projects. It is generated from main.scss
- main.scss a Sass file corresponding to the main.css
- img/
- book-half.svg:a Scalable Vector Graphics (svg) for the site logo.
- js/
- main.js: jquery actions for selecting and unselecting the stars for the book rating.
- templates/
- books.html: the home page where books can be searched and listed.
- booktab.html: the page where a single booktab is showed, including book info, gooreadings rating and user reviews and ratings.
- http_error403.html: error page for 403 error (Forbiden)
- http_error404.html: error page for 404 error (Page Not Found)
- layout.html: root template from which the others inherit.
- login.html: login page, for capturing user an d password.
- registration.html: page where a new user can give info for registering name, email, username and password.
- css/
- .gitignore: Git file for ignoring other files.
- the main program file where all the Flask routes and python processes are developed.
- passlib functions for crypting and checking encrypted password (encrypt_password, check_encrypted_password). The password must be cypted before being saved to database; and password given by an user must be check against the crypted password in the database, before being granted acccess.
- this file.
- requirements.txt: all the packages that must be installed before running this project. Use: pip -install requirements.txt