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  • Internationalization and localization at Compile Time for Nim.
  • 1 Macro to replace strings in-place at compile time with 0 cost at runtime.
  • Translate unmodified code from 1 INI file. Replace Emojis and Unicode in-place.
  • High performance with low resources, everything is done compile-time only!.



# This is a comment.
ES_AR = gato
PT_BR = minino

ES_AR = perro
PT_BR = cĂŁo

; You can replace Emojis. This is a comment.
ES_AR = đź‘‘
PT_BR = đź‘‘


import nimterlingua

echo "cat"
echo "dog"
echo ":crown:"


nim c -r -d:ES_AR -d:iniFile="translations.cfg" yourfile.nim


nim c -r -d:PT_BR -d:iniFile="translations.cfg" yourfile.nim


import nimterlingua

echo "cat"
echo "dog"
echo ":crown:"


nim e -d:ES_AR -d:iniFile="translations.cfg" yourfile.nims


nim e -d:PT_BR -d:iniFile="translations.cfg" yourfile.nims


import nimterlingua

echo "cat"
echo "dog"
echo ":crown:"


nim js -d:nodejs -d:ES_AR -d:iniFile="translations.cfg" yourfile.nim


nim js -d:nodejs -d:PT_BR -d:iniFile="translations.cfg" yourfile.nim


$ cd example
$ nim c -r -d:ES_AR -d:iniFile="translations.cfg" bohemian_rhapsody.nim

bohemian_rhapsody.nim(5, 11) Hint: ES_AR0("Is this the real life?") --> '"Es la vida real?"' [Pattern]
bohemian_rhapsody.nim(6, 11) Hint: ES_AR1("Is this just fantasy?") --> '"Es sĂłlo fantasĂ­a?"' [Pattern]
bohemian_rhapsody.nim(7, 11) Hint: ES_AR2("Caught in a landslide") --> '"Atrapado en un derrumbe"' [Pattern]
bohemian_rhapsody.nim(13, 9) Hint: ES_AR3("No escape from reality") --> '"Sin escape de la realidad"' [Pattern]
bohemian_rhapsody.nim(14, 9) Hint: ES_AR4("Open your eyes") --> '"Abre tus ojos"' [Pattern]
bohemian_rhapsody.nim(15, 11) Hint: ES_AR5("Look up to the skies and see") --> '"Mira a los cielos y observa"' [Pattern]
bohemian_rhapsody.nim(21, 7) Hint: ES_AR6("I\'m just a poor boy, I need no sympathy") --> '"SĂłlo soy un chico pobre, no necesito simpatĂ­a"' [Pattern]
bohemian_rhapsody.nim(22, 7) Hint: ES_AR7("Because I\'m easy come, easy go") --> '"Porque fácil vengo, fácil me voy"' [Pattern]
bohemian_rhapsody.nim(23, 7) Hint: ES_AR8("A little high, little low") --> '"Un poco alto, un poco bajo"' [Pattern]
bohemian_rhapsody.nim(28, 6) Hint: ES_AR9("Anyway the wind blows, doesn\'t really matter to me, to me") --> '"De todos modos el viento sopla, realmente no me importa, a mi"' [Pattern]
bohemian_rhapsody.nim(29, 11) Hint: ES_AR10("Mama, just killed a man") --> '"Mamá, maté a un hombre"' [Pattern]
bohemian_rhapsody.nim(32, 3) Hint: ES_AR11("Put a gun against his head") --> '"Puse una pistola en su cabeza"' [Pattern]
bohemian_rhapsody.nim(36, 3) Hint: ES_AR12("Pulled my trigger, now he\'s dead") --> '"Jalé el gatillo, ya está muerto"' [Pattern]
bohemian_rhapsody.nim(42, 9) Hint: ES_AR15("Mama, ooo, Didn\'t mean to make you cry") --> '"Mamá, ooo, No quise hacerte llorar"' [Pattern]
bohemian_rhapsody.nim(44, 6) Hint: ES_AR16("If I\'m not back again this time tomorrow") --> '"Si no regreso mañana a esta hora"' [Pattern]
bohemian_rhapsody.nim(45, 6) Hint: ES_AR17("Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters") --> '"ContinĂşa, continĂşa, como si nada realmente importara"' [Pattern]

Es la vida real?
Es sĂłlo fantasĂ­a?
Atrapado en un derrumbe
Sin escape de la realidad
Abre tus ojos
Mira a los cielos y observa
SĂłlo soy un chico pobre, no necesito simpatĂ­a
Porque fácil vengo, fácil me voy
Un poco alto, un poco bajo
De todos modos el viento sopla, realmente no me importa, a mi
Mamá, maté a un hombre
Puse una pistola en su cabeza
Jalé el gatillo, ya está muerto
Si no regreso mañana a esta hora
ContinĂşa, continĂşa, como si nada realmente importara

under the hood

How does it works internally?.
# expandMacros:

when defined(ES_AR):
  template ES_AR0{("cat"){texts}}(texts: string{lit, noalias}): string =
    ## Compile with -d:ES_AR to auto translate at compile time to ES_AR Lang ISO code.
    when texts == "cat": "gato" else: "cat"

when defined(PT_BR):
  template PT_BR1{("cat"){texts}}(texts: string{lit, noalias}): string =
    ## Compile with -d:PT_BR to auto translate at compile time to PT_BR Lang ISO code.
    when texts == "cat": "minino" else: "cat"

Nimterlingua Vs GetText

Nimterlingua GetText
No *.po files You need to write *.po files
No *.pot files You need to extract *.pot files
No *.mo files You need to compile *.mo files
No *.gmo files You need to compile *.gmo files
Only nim xgettext, msginit, msgfmt, etc
Any editor, *.INI format Requires poedit for fluent workflow
Unmodified code can be translated Requires refactor adding gettext functions
"cat" gettext("cat") or _("cat")
No GetText dependency GetText libs as dependency
0 cost at runtime performance Slows runtime performance (even on C)
*.INI is easy to delegate to people *.po format complex for non-tech people
Chill Lazy Dev Time consuming beyond translation itself


#. TRANSLATORS: Thank you for contributing to this project.
#: src/name.c:36
msgid "cat"
msgstr "gato"


ES_AR = gato

Beyond Translation

Its designed for translation, but it does not force anything on you, you can be creative and explore other possible uses.

It replaces in-place any arbitrary string with any arbitrary string you want at compile time with 0 cost at runtime without touching the code.

Let us know if you built something cool with it!.


  • Its not possible to have different languages in 1 Nim program?.

Use a period (dot), exclamation, space, emoji or something, the string will not match anymore.

ES_AR = gato
if useSpanish: "cat" else: "cat."

"cat" get translated to Spanish, "cat." remains English, because of period.

You choose languages with if or case or similar on your code.

Or use NimScript or NodeJS to get a JSON or CSV or similar format and get the data from there.

  • I get nimterlingua.nim(17, 29) Error: cannot open file: translations.cfg ?

compile with -d:iniFile="path to your translations.cfg"

  • Is there a Minimal Basic example?.

  • How do you use this with Python or NodeJS or JavaScript?.

  • This works with NodeJS and JavaScript?.


  • My Translated text contains = will make it fail?.

Use splitter=":", then use it as splitter separator.

ES_AR : gato
  • How to make an INI for a lot of languages?.
ES_AR = gato
PT_BR = minino
RU    = kot
FR    = chat
# A lot of languages here...
  • This is not the same as Search&Replace of any Editor?.

No. Because it actually fully understands the code, typical Search&Replace of Editor can break comments, names, variables, etc.
