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Distributed Validator Cluster with Docker Compose

This repo contains a charon distributed validator cluster which you can run using docker-compose.

This repo aims to give users a feel for what a Distributed Validator Cluster means in practice, and what the future of high-availability, fault-tolerant proof of stake validating deployments will look like.

A distributed validator cluster is a docker-compose file with the following containers running:

  • Single Nethermind execution layer client
  • Single Lighthouse consensus layer client
  • Six charon Distributed Validator clients
  • Two Lighthouse Validator clients
  • Two Teku Validator Clients
  • Two Nimbus Validator Clients
  • Prometheus, Grafana and Jaeger clients for monitoring this cluster.

Distributed Validator Cluster

In the future, this repo aims to contain compose files for every possible Execution, Beacon, and Validator client combinations that is possible with DVT.


Ensure you have docker and git installed. Also, make sure docker is running before executing the commands below.

  1. Clone the charon-distributed-validator-cluster repo and cd into the directory.

    # Clone the repo
    git clone
    # Change directory
    cd charon-distributed-validator-cluster/
  2. Prepare the environment variables

    # Copy the sample environment variables
    cp .env.sample .env

    .env.sample is a sample environment file that allows overriding default configuration defined in docker-compose.yml. Uncomment and set any variable to override its value.

  3. Create the artifacts needed to run a testnet distributed validator cluster

    # Create a testnet distributed validator cluster
    docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/opt/charon" create cluster --withdrawal-address="0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead" --nodes 6 --threshold 5
  4. Start the cluster

    # Start the distributed validator cluster
    docker compose up --build
  5. Checkout the monitoring dashboard and see if things look all right

    # Open Grafana
    open http://localhost:3000/d/laEp8vupp

If everything goes correctly, it's natural to see logs like:

INFO sched No active DVs for slot {"slot": 3288627}

This is because you need to activate your freshly created distributed validator on the testnet with the existing launchpad. The validator deposit data should be present inside each node directory, for example, .charon/cluster/node0/deposit-data.json.

Distributed Validator Cluster

The default cluster consists of:

The intention is to support all validator clients, and work is underway to add support for lodestar to this repo, with prysm support to follow in the future. Read more about our client support here.

Create Distributed Validator Keys

Create some testnet private keys for a six node distributed validator cluster with the command:

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/opt/charon" create cluster --withdrawal-address="0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead" --nodes 6 --threshold 5

This command will create a subdirectory .charon/cluster. In it are six folders, one for each charon node created. Each folder contains partial private keys that together make up distributed validators defined in the cluster-lock.json file.

Activate your validator

Along with the private keys and cluster lock file is a validator deposit data file located inside each node folder. For example, you can find the deposit data file inside the node0 folder at .charon/cluster/node0/deposit-data.json. You can use the original staking launchpad app to activate your new validator with the original UI.

Your deposit will take at minimum 8 hours to process, near to the time you can run this new cluster with the command:

docker compose up --build

Import Existing Validator Keys

You might already have keys to an active validator, or are more comfortable creating keys with existing tooling like the staking deposit CLI and ethdo.

To import existing EIP-2335 validator key stores:

# Create a folder within this checked out repo
mkdir split_keys

# Put the validator `keystore.json` files in this folder.
# Alongside them, with a matching filename but ending with `.txt` should be the password to the keystore.
# E.g., keystore-0.json keystore-0.txt

# Split these keystores into "n" (--nodes) key shares with "t" (--threshold) as threshold for a distributed validator
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/opt/charon obolnetwork/charon:v0.14.3 create cluster --split-existing-keys --split-keys-dir=/opt/charon/split_keys --threshold 4 --nodes 6

# The above command will create 6 validator key shares along with cluster-lock.json and deposit-data.json in ./.charon/cluster : 

***************** WARNING: Splitting keys **********************
 Please make sure any existing validator has been shut down for
 at least 2 finalised epochs before starting the charon cluster,
 otherwise slashing could occur.                               

Created charon cluster:

├─ node[0-5]/                   Directory for each node
│  ├─ charon-enr-private-key    Charon networking private key for node authentication
│  ├─ cluster-lock.json         Cluster lock defines the cluster lock file which is signed by all nodes
│  ├─ deposit-data.json         Deposit data file is used to activate a Distributed Validator on DV Launchpad
│  ├─ validator_keys            Validator keystores and password
│  │  ├─ keystore-*.json        Validator private share key for duty signing
│  │  ├─ keystore-*.txt         Keystore password files for keystore-*.json

Project Status

It is still early days for the Obol Network and everything is under active development. It is NOT ready for mainnet. Keep checking in for updates, here is the latest on charon's supported clients and duties.

Remember: Please make sure any existing validator has been shut down for at least 3 finalised epochs before starting the charon cluster, otherwise your validator could be slashed.

Run prysm VCs in a Distributed Validator Cluster

This section of the readme is intended for the "docker power users", i.e., for the ones who are familiar with working with docker-compose and want to have more flexibility and power to change the default configuration.

We use the "Multiple Compose File" feature which provides a very powerful way to override any configuration in docker-compose.yml without needing to modify git-checked-in files since that results in conflicts when upgrading this repo. See this for more details.

There are some additional compose files in this repository, compose-prysm.yml and docker-compose.override.yml.sample, along with the default docker-compose.yml file that you can use for this purpose.

We have provided experimental support of prysm validator client through compose-prysm.yml which needs a prysm beacon node to work alongside a REST based beacon node. Here are the steps to test prysm in a Distributed Validator Cluster:

  1. Run the following command:
    cp docker-compose.override.yml.sample docker-compose.override.yml
  2. Disable the VCs in docker-compose.override.yml that are to be replaced by corresponding prysm VCs by un-commenting profiles field (more details on profiles). Also disable the prysm VCs that are not required in the cluster in docker-compose.override.yml.
  3. Run the following command:
    docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f compose-prysm.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml up --build

Note: Support for prysm VCs with is in experimental phase as prysm doesn't provide complete support of REST API compatible validator client.


Check the docs for some common errors and how to fix them.


Run a Distributed Validator Cluster locally using docker-compose






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  • Shell 88.9%
  • Dockerfile 11.1%