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Unable to use multiple characters with international keyboards on MacOS in 4.1.0 #15744

miccoli opened this issue Feb 5, 2024 · 53 comments · Fixed by #15761, #15790 or #15927

Unable to use multiple characters with international keyboards on MacOS in 4.1.0 #15744

miccoli opened this issue Feb 5, 2024 · 53 comments · Fixed by #15761, #15790 or #15927
bug os:macos Issues specific to macOS operating system pkg:application tag:Keyboard Compatibility issues with keyboards, including locale-specific and layout-specific issues tag:Regression Behavior that had been broken, was fixed, and is broken again


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miccoli commented Feb 5, 2024


Unable to use [ ] in editor with Italian keyboard on macOS.


The Italian keyboard does not have [ ] keys, which are accessed via the option key. Apparently the new keyboard shortcuts ⌥[ and ⌥] mask the ability to properly input these characters.

  1. Open a
    • notebook, or
    • console, or
    • text/markdown/python file
  2. Type a = [1]
  3. The [ ] do not appear.

Please note that typing [ at the start of a line results in the expected behaviour. Terminals work as expected.
This bug surfaced after the installation of v. 4.1.0: v. 4.0.12 works as expected.


  • Operating System and version: macOS Sonoma 14.2.1
  • Browser and version: Chrome 121.0.6167.139 and Safari 17.2.1
  • JupyterLab version: 4.1.0
Troubleshoot Output



5.12.0 (main, Nov 6 2023, 14:39:01) [Clang 15.0.0 (clang-1500.0.40.1)]


which -a jupyter:

pip list:
Package Version
------------------------- ---------------
anyio 4.2.0
appnope 0.1.3
argon2-cffi 23.1.0
argon2-cffi-bindings 21.2.0
arrow 1.3.0
asttokens 2.4.1
async-lru 2.0.4
attrs 23.2.0
Babel 2.14.0
beautifulsoup4 4.12.3
black 24.1.1
bleach 6.1.0
bokeh 3.3.4
certifi 2024.2.2
cffi 1.16.0
charset-normalizer 3.3.2
click 8.1.7
comm 0.2.1
contourpy 1.2.0
debugpy 1.8.0
decorator 5.1.1
defusedxml 0.7.1
executing 2.0.1
fastjsonschema 2.19.1
fqdn 1.5.1
h11 0.14.0
httpcore 1.0.2
httpx 0.26.0
idna 3.6
ipykernel 6.29.0
ipython 8.21.0
ipywidgets 8.1.1
isoduration 20.11.0
isort 5.13.2
jedi 0.19.1
Jinja2 3.1.3
json5 0.9.14
jsonpointer 2.4
jsonschema 4.21.1
jsonschema-specifications 2023.12.1
jupyter_client 8.6.0
jupyter-contrib-core 0.4.2
jupyter_core 5.7.1
jupyter-events 0.9.0
jupyter-lsp 2.2.2
jupyter_server 2.12.5
jupyter_server_terminals 0.5.2
jupyterlab 4.1.0
jupyterlab_code_formatter 2.2.1
jupyterlab_pygments 0.3.0
jupyterlab_server 2.25.2
jupyterlab-widgets 3.0.9
linkify-it-py 2.0.3
Markdown 3.5.2
markdown-it-py 3.0.0
MarkupSafe 2.1.5
matplotlib-inline 0.1.6
mdit-py-plugins 0.4.0
mdurl 0.1.2
mistune 3.0.2
mypy-extensions 1.0.0
nbclient 0.9.0
nbconvert 7.14.2
nbformat 5.9.2
nest-asyncio 1.6.0
notebook 7.0.7
notebook_shim 0.2.3
numpy 1.26.3
overrides 7.7.0
packaging 23.2
pandas 2.1.4
pandocfilters 1.5.1
panel 1.3.8
param 2.0.2
parso 0.8.3
pathspec 0.12.1
pexpect 4.9.0
pillow 10.2.0
pip 24.0
platformdirs 4.2.0
prometheus-client 0.19.0
prompt-toolkit 3.0.43
psutil 5.9.8
ptyprocess 0.7.0
pure-eval 0.2.2
pycparser 2.21
Pygments 2.17.2
python-dateutil 2.8.2
python-json-logger 2.0.7
pytz 2024.1
pyviz_comms 3.0.1
PyYAML 6.0.1
pyzmq 25.1.2
referencing 0.33.0
requests 2.31.0
rfc3339-validator 0.1.4
rfc3986-validator 0.1.1
rpds-py 0.17.1
Send2Trash 1.8.2
setuptools 69.0.2
six 1.16.0
sniffio 1.3.0
soupsieve 2.5
stack-data 0.6.3
terminado 0.18.0
tinycss2 1.2.1
tornado 6.4
tqdm 4.66.1
traitlets 5.14.1
typing_extensions 4.9.0
tzdata 2023.4
uc-micro-py 1.0.2
uri-template 1.3.0
urllib3 2.2.0
wcwidth 0.2.13
webcolors 1.13
webencodings 0.5.1
websocket-client 1.7.0
widgetsnbextension 4.0.9
xyzservices 2023.10.1

Command Line Output

Nothing sensible here, apparently.

Browser Output
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Language pack 'en' not installed!
fetch @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Deprecated shortcut selectors: "[data-jp-kernel-user]:focus" was replaced with "[data-jp-kernel-user] :focus:not(:read-write)" in JupyterLab 4.1 (present in "[data-jp-kernel-user]:focus")
".jp-Notebook:focus" was replaced with " :focus:not(:read-write)" in JupyterLab 4.1 (present in ".jp-Notebook:focus")
"[data-jp-traversable]:focus" was replaced with " :focus:not(:read-write)" in JupyterLab 4.1 (present in "[data-jp-traversable]:focus")
"" was replaced with " :focus:not(:read-write)" in JupyterLab 4.1 (present in "")

The selectors will be substituted transparently this time, but need to be updated at source before next major release.
p @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Starting application in workspace: "default"
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
705.254abada6a4b8e081d74.js?v=254abada6a4b8e081d74:1 JupyterLab extension jupyterlab_code_formatter is activated!
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Skipping this shortcut because it collides with another shortcut. Object
(anonymous) @ jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Starting WebSocket: ws://localhost:8888/api/kernels/e331369b-57e9-47bd-9818-c6278ea4335c
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Starting WebSocket: ws://localhost:8888/api/kernels/e331369b-57e9-47bd-9818-c6278ea4335c
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Starting WebSocket: ws://localhost:8888/api/kernels/e331369b-57e9-47bd-9818-c6278ea4335c
336.ebc7a55ea1768712771f.js?v=ebc7a55ea1768712771f:1 Failed to fetch ipywidgets through the "jupyter.widget.control" comm channel, fallback to fetching individual model state. Reason: Control comm was closed too early
_loadFromKernel @ 336.ebc7a55ea1768712771f.js?v=ebc7a55ea1768712771f:1
about:srcdoc:1 An iframe which has both allow-scripts and allow-same-origin for its sandbox attribute can escape its sandboxing.
:8888/panel-preview/render/untitled.txt:1 An iframe which has both allow-scripts and allow-same-origin for its sandbox attribute can escape its sandboxing.
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Starting WebSocket: ws://localhost:8888/api/kernels/fcc88f77-adc7-4108-803e-03acd6835571
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Starting WebSocket: ws://localhost:8888/api/kernels/fcc88f77-adc7-4108-803e-03acd6835571
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Starting WebSocket: ws://localhost:8888/api/kernels/fcc88f77-adc7-4108-803e-03acd6835571
jlab_core.570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8.js?v=570a5c21bdeb57ca2ec8:1 Starting WebSocket: ws://localhost:8888/api/kernels/b29ff37d-4d95-480f-9ed3-3aa76524877f

@miccoli miccoli added the bug label Feb 5, 2024
Copy link

welcome bot commented Feb 5, 2024

Thank you for opening your first issue in this project! Engagement like this is essential for open source projects! 🤗

If you haven't done so already, check out Jupyter's Code of Conduct. Also, please try to follow the issue template as it helps other other community members to contribute more effectively.
You can meet the other Jovyans by joining our Discourse forum. There is also an intro thread there where you can stop by and say Hi! 👋

Welcome to the Jupyter community! 🎉

@jupyterlab-probot jupyterlab-probot bot added the status:Needs Triage Applied to new issues that need triage label Feb 5, 2024
@krassowski krassowski added this to the 4.1.x milestone Feb 5, 2024
@krassowski krassowski added tag:Regression Behavior that had been broken, was fixed, and is broken again pkg:completer labels Feb 5, 2024
@JasonWeill JasonWeill added the tag:Keyboard Compatibility issues with keyboards, including locale-specific and layout-specific issues label Feb 5, 2024
Copy link

It seems that this is caused by a massive amount of alt + number and alt + shift + number shortcuts that are bound to the action application:Show Left Activity Bar.

Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 09 51 02

The UI seems also broken and it is impossible to deactivate this shortcut using it.

As a workaround until fix, you can use the JSON settings editor (in the settings view, at shortcuts, click on JSON settings editor on the top right and then paste this :

Json to paste
    // Keyboard Shortcuts
    // @jupyterlab/shortcuts-extension:shortcuts
    // Keyboard shortcut settings.
    // *****************************************
    "shortcuts": [
    "args": {
      "side": "left",
      "index": 0
    "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
    "keys": [
      "Alt 1"
    "selector": "body",
    "disabled": true
    "args": {
      "side": "left",
      "index": 1
    "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
    "keys": [
      "Alt 2"
    "selector": "body",
    "disabled": true
    "args": {
      "side": "left",
      "index": 2
    "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
    "keys": [
      "Alt 3"
    "selector": "body",
    "disabled": true
    "args": {
      "side": "left",
      "index": 3
    "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
    "keys": [
      "Alt 4"
    "selector": "body",
    "disabled": true
    "args": {
      "side": "left",
      "index": 4
    "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
    "keys": [
      "Alt 5"
    "selector": "body",
    "disabled": true
    "args": {
      "side": "left",
      "index": 5
    "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
    "keys": [
      "Alt 6"
    "selector": "body",
    "disabled": true
    "args": {
      "side": "left",
      "index": 6
    "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
    "keys": [
      "Alt 7"
    "selector": "body",
    "disabled": true
    "args": {
      "side": "left",
      "index": 7
    "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
    "keys": [
      "Alt 8"
    "selector": "body",
    "disabled": true
    "args": {
      "side": "left",
      "index": 8
    "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
    "keys": [
      "Alt 9"
    "selector": "body",
    "disabled": true
    "args": {
      "side": "left",
      "index": 9
    "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
    "keys": [
      "Alt 0"
    "selector": "body",
    "disabled": true
    "args": {
      "side": "right",
      "index": 0
    "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
    "keys": [
      "Alt Shift 1"
    "selector": "body",
    "disabled": true
    "args": {
      "side": "right",
      "index": 1
    "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
    "keys": [
      "Alt Shift 2"
    "selector": "body",
    "disabled": true
    "args": {
      "side": "right",
      "index": 2
    "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
    "keys": [
      "Alt Shift 3"
    "selector": "body",
    "disabled": true
    "args": {
      "side": "right",
      "index": 3
    "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
    "keys": [
      "Alt Shift 4"
    "selector": "body",
    "disabled": true
    "args": {
      "side": "right",
      "index": 4
    "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
    "keys": [
      "Alt Shift 5"
    "selector": "body",
    "disabled": true
    "args": {
      "side": "right",
      "index": 5
    "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
    "keys": [
      "Alt Shift 6"
    "selector": "body",
    "disabled": true
    "args": {
      "side": "right",
      "index": 6
    "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
    "keys": [
      "Alt Shift 7"
    "selector": "body",
    "disabled": true
    "args": {
      "side": "right",
      "index": 7
    "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
    "keys": [
      "Alt Shift 8"
    "selector": "body",
    "disabled": true
    "args": {
      "side": "right",
      "index": 8
    "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
    "keys": [
      "Alt Shift 9"
    "selector": "body",
    "disabled": true
    "args": {
      "side": "right",
      "index": 9
    "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
    "keys": [
      "Alt Shift 0"
    "selector": "body",
    "disabled": true


@krassowski krassowski added os:macos Issues specific to macOS operating system pkg:application and removed pkg:completer labels Feb 6, 2024
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Thank you for the extra details! These shortcuts were introduced in #14799. We can add overrides for mac by adding macKeys in addition to OS-agnostic keys. Is there a set of shortcuts that you would suggest that would work well on Mac? Is this specific to Italian keyboard, or does it affect all Macs?

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MatthiasWeh commented Feb 6, 2024

I can add that this is also an issue with a German keyboard layout, since [ , ], as well as {, }, |, or \ are all only accessible via the above mentioned Mac option key.

@krassowski krassowski changed the title Unable to use [ ] in editor with Italian keyboard on MacOS. Unable to use multiple characters with international keyboards on MacOS Feb 6, 2024
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Thank you, this helps. @g547315 would you be able to open a quick PR to disable shortcuts added in #14799 on Mac by using macKeys: []?

@JasonWeill JasonWeill removed the status:Needs Triage Applied to new issues that need triage label Feb 6, 2024
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psychemedia commented Feb 6, 2024

Noting the the many many option-digit keyboard shortcuts mean that things like option-3, which on a Mac UK keyboard is a # sign, don't work to give desired characters.

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I also note that there doesnlt seem to be a way to delete the current default bindings?

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defjaf commented Feb 6, 2024

Are the 20 different bindings all for one action intended? Or a bug? (If not a bug: why has this behaviour been chosen??). Ok, I see from the json settings and the PR discussion that the different bindings are for selecting different objects in the sidebar — but I’ll note that this isn’t reflected at all in the GUI settings editor.

This seems like an obvious misfeature, along with an actual bug for the lack of ability to change the bindings in the editor...


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Thanks @defjaf, it should not be like that - I opened #15759 to track that issue.

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Can someone with a Mac confirm that setting:

    "shortcuts": [
            "args": {
                "side": "left",
                "index": 0
            "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
            "keys": [
                "Alt 1"
            "macKeys": [],
            "selector": "body"
            "args": {
                "side": "left",
                "index": 1
            "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
            "keys": [
                "Alt 2"
            "macKeys": [],
            "selector": "body"
            "args": {
                "side": "left",
                "index": 2
            "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
            "keys": [
                "Alt 3"
            "macKeys": [],
            "selector": "body"
            "args": {
                "side": "left",
                "index": 3
            "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
            "keys": [
                "Alt 4"
            "macKeys": [],
            "selector": "body"
            "args": {
                "side": "left",
                "index": 4
            "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
            "keys": [
                "Alt 5"
            "macKeys": [],
            "selector": "body"
            "args": {
                "side": "left",
                "index": 5
            "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
            "keys": [
                "Alt 6"
            "macKeys": [],
            "selector": "body"
            "args": {
                "side": "left",
                "index": 6
            "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
            "keys": [
                "Alt 7"
            "macKeys": [],
            "selector": "body"
            "args": {
                "side": "left",
                "index": 7
            "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
            "keys": [
                "Alt 8"
            "macKeys": [],
            "selector": "body"
            "args": {
                "side": "left",
                "index": 8
            "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
            "keys": [
                "Alt 9"
            "macKeys": [],
            "selector": "body"
            "args": {
                "side": "left",
                "index": 9
            "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
            "keys": [
                "Alt 0"
            "macKeys": [],
            "selector": "body"
            "args": {
                "side": "right",
                "index": 0
            "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
            "keys": [
                "Alt Shift 1"
            "macKeys": [],
            "selector": "body"
            "args": {
                "side": "right",
                "index": 1
            "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
            "keys": [
                "Alt Shift 2"
            "macKeys": [],
            "selector": "body"
            "args": {
                "side": "right",
                "index": 2
            "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
            "keys": [
                "Alt Shift 3"
            "macKeys": [],
            "selector": "body"
            "args": {
                "side": "right",
                "index": 3
            "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
            "keys": [
                "Alt Shift 4"
            "macKeys": [],
            "selector": "body"
            "args": {
                "side": "right",
                "index": 4
            "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
            "keys": [
                "Alt Shift 5"
            "macKeys": [],
            "selector": "body"
            "args": {
                "side": "right",
                "index": 5
            "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
            "keys": [
                "Alt Shift 6"
            "macKeys": [],
            "selector": "body"
            "args": {
                "side": "right",
                "index": 6
            "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
            "keys": [
                "Alt Shift 7"
            "macKeys": [],
            "selector": "body"
            "args": {
                "side": "right",
                "index": 7
            "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
            "keys": [
                "Alt Shift 8"
            "macKeys": [],
            "selector": "body"
            "args": {
                "side": "right",
                "index": 8
            "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
            "keys": [
                "Alt Shift 9"
            "macKeys": [],
            "selector": "body"
            "args": {
                "side": "right",
                "index": 9
            "command": "application:toggle-side-tabbar",
            "keys": [
                "Alt Shift 0"
            "macKeys": [],
            "selector": "body"

Disables the shortcuts on Mac?

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No, the shortcuts are still active, as opposed to the '"disabled": true' workaround, which helped.

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defjaf commented Feb 7, 2024

Can someone with a Mac confirm that setting:

Disables the shortcuts on Mac?

@krassowski Unfortunately not! The version with "Disabled": true does fix it, but of course that deactivates the shortcuts everywhere.

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Thank you! I believe #15761 should help, can you confirm by testing it on Binder (click on this link:
and in 10-15 minutes you should see a freshly build JupyterLab instance; if the build times out on the first try please try again - Binder is under heavy load recently)

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MatthiasWeh commented Feb 7, 2024

MacOption + number and Shift-MacOption + number work as expected on Binder.

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defjaf commented Feb 7, 2024

It does seem to work on binder!

But I tried to add a version with "macKeys": [""] in my local Advanced Settings, but that doesn't seem to work.

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Fohlen commented Feb 28, 2024

Hi, I found this to be a recession on my German keyboard too. Downgrading to jupyterlab==4.0.13 fixed the issue, so it was definitely introduced not too long ago.

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It seems like the issue only appears when using jupyter lab/notebook with Safari (Version 17.3.1 )

I called the same jupyter server with Chrome (Version 122.0.6261.94 ) without any issues.

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Reopening as the PR #15790 which fixed the inline completer shortcuts conflict was reverted in #15938 because it had a number of unintended side effects. The long-term solution is tracked in #15927

@krassowski krassowski reopened this Mar 7, 2024
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Just for visibility the workaround for Mac users with international keyboards on JupyterLab 4.1.5 is to paste the following:

  "shortcuts": [
      "args": {},
      "command": "inline-completer:next",
      "keys": [
          "Alt ]"
      "selector": ".jp-mod-completer-enabled",
      "disabled": true
      "args": {},
      "command": "inline-completer:previous",
      "keys": [
          "Alt ["
      "selector": ".jp-mod-completer-enabled",
      "disabled": true
      "args": {},
      "command": "inline-completer:invoke",
      "keys": [
          "Alt \\"
      "selector": ".jp-mod-completer-enabled",
      "disabled": true

In: Settings → Settings Editor → JSON Settings Editor → Keyboard Shortcuts → User → paste → save.

I would greatly appreciate if someone could review the fix in #15927 (and the underlying jupyterlab/lumino#689).

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asmaier commented Mar 30, 2024

It seems like the issue only appears when using jupyter lab/notebook with Safari (Version 17.3.1 )

I called the same jupyter server with Chrome (Version 122.0.6261.94 ) without any issues.

I can confirm, that the issue only seems to appear in Safari (Version 17.3.1 ). When opening the same notebook in Jupyter Lab on Brave Browser (version 1.62.125) I can enter []{} without problems.


This comment was marked as spam.

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Hello, I'm experiencing the same issue with jupyterlab==4.1.8 and a Spanish (Latin America) keyboard. Does anybody know if #15927 has already been released?

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Yes, it has been released last week in JupyterLab 4.2.0 - you need to upgrade to 4.2.x.

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benz0li commented May 27, 2024

Yes, it has been released last week in JupyterLab 4.2.0 - you need to upgrade to 4.2.x.

@krassowski I am running JupyterLab 4.2.1 on (login with GitHub account).


  • I am still unable to type an @ (Option+G, Swiss German Keyboard)
  • One of the few exceptions is ~ (Option+N, Swiss German Keyboard)

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@benz0li to clarify do you experience the problem with Option+G/Option+N only in the black terminal tab, or also in the notebook or Jupyter console?
Modifier + N/+G sound like shortcuts related to search but "Find Previous"/"Find Next" are bound to Ctrl + N/Ctrl +G so it would not be it I think. Still, can you try disabling them? Do you see any side-effects when pressing these shortcuts?

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If this is in terminal only it could be related to xtermjs/xterm.js#2151

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benz0li commented May 27, 2024

@benz0li to clarify do you experience the problem with Option+G/Option+N only in the black terminal tab, or also in the notebook or Jupyter console?

Only in the JupyterLab Terminal. Unfortunately, I do not have time to investigate further.

If this is in terminal only it could be related to xtermjs/xterm.js#2151

Unlikely. There is also code-server (aka Code - OSS in the browser) available in the JupyterLab images at
ℹ️ code-server uses xtermjs, too. No problem there.

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benz0li commented May 27, 2024

@krassowski JupyterLab Python docker stack: Building the latest.Dockerfile with command

docker build \
  --build-arg PYTHON_VERSION=3.12.3 \
  --build-arg JUPYTERLAB_VERSION=4.1.8 \
  -t jupyterlab/python/base \
  -f latest.Dockerfile .

everything works perfectly fine.

it works in the Terminal but not in a Notebook or the Console.

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benz0li commented May 28, 2024

@krassowski I revised the statement of my last comment.

Situation regarding e.g. [ and ] for the following JupyterLab versions:

  • 4.1.8: Work in the Terminal but not in a Notebook or the Console
  • 4.2.1: Work in a Notebook and the Console but not in the Terminal

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@benz0li thank you for further information! Would you be able to narrow this down by bisection to a 4.2 pre-release which started manifesting the problem? It may be pretty quick to test by using the bineder links in

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benz0li commented May 28, 2024

Situation regarding e.g. [ (Option+5) and ] (Option+6) for the following JupyterLab versions:

  • 4.2.0a0: Work in a Notebook, the Console and in the Terminal
    • Option+[0-9] work
  • 4.2.0a1: Work in the Terminal but not in a Notebook or the Console
    • Terminal: Option+[0-9] work
    • Notebook/Console: Option+[5-9] do not work
  • 4.2.0a2: Work in the Terminal but not in a Notebook or the Console
    • Terminal: Option+[0-9] work
    • Notebook/Console: Option+[5-9] do not work
  • 4.2.0b0: Work in the Terminal but not in a Notebook or the Console
    • Terminal: Option+[0-9] work
    • Notebook/Console: Option+[5-9] do not work
  • 4.2.0b1: Work in a Notebook and the Console but not in the Terminal
    • Terminal: Option+[0-9] do not work
    • Notebook/Console: Option+[5-9] do not work
  • 4.2.0b2: Work in a Notebook and the Console but not in the Terminal
    • Terminal: Option+[0-9] do not work
    • Notebook/Console: Option+[0-9] work
  • 4.2.0b3: Work in a Notebook and the Console but not in the Terminal
    • Terminal: Option+[0-9] do not work
    • Notebook/Console: Option+[0-9] work
  • 4.2.0rc0: Work in a Notebook and the Console but not in the Terminal
    • Terminal: Option+[0-9] do not work
    • Notebook/Console: Option+[0-9] work

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benz0li commented Jun 2, 2024

Ping @krassowski

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Thanks @benz0li, so it started happening in 4.2.0b1, likely as a consequence of upgrading xterm.js from 5.1.0 to 5.5.0 (#15962) which was included in that release.

You previously argued that this is unlikely to be related to xterm.js bug - I still think that this is likely an xterm.js issue (one or another). It may work in other IDEs because they may be using an older xterm.js version. As a datapoint, can you reproduce this in terminal on

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benz0li commented Jun 4, 2024

You previously argued that this is unlikely to be related to xterm.js bug - I still think that this is likely an xterm.js issue (one or another). It may work in other IDEs because they may be using an older xterm.js version.

Code - OSS v1.88 (code-server v4.23) uses xterm v5.5.0-beta.12:

Available in image [which has JupyterLab 4.1.6 installed].

As a datapoint, can you reproduce this in terminal on


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bug os:macos Issues specific to macOS operating system pkg:application tag:Keyboard Compatibility issues with keyboards, including locale-specific and layout-specific issues tag:Regression Behavior that had been broken, was fixed, and is broken again
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