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Core principles

Joseph Van Name edited this page Aug 26, 2020 · 1 revision

Here are some of the core principles behind the Circcash cryptocurrency that the Circcash protocol and Circcash developers must adhere to. These principles are very similar to the core principles of Bitcoin.

7200 CIRCs minted per day: Even though Circcash does not have a hard limit to the number of CIRCs, Circcash has a limit to the number of new CIRCs that are issued within any given time period. This means that the inflation rate for Circcash will be inversely proportional to the amount of time that Circccash has been out.

Open-Source: Circcash's source code will be open for anyone to read, copy, share, or modify.

Fungible: All coins should have an equal value and be equally spendable.

Censorship resistance: Nobody should be able to prevent valid transactions from being confirmed.

Permissionless: No gatekeeper shall prevent anyone from being a part of the network.

Pseudonymous: No identification shall be given in order for one to own or use Circcash.

Irreversible transactions: Once confirmed, transactions may not be reversed. Blockchain history needs to be immutable.

Retirement principle: After the Circcash development fund has been terminated and spent, the initial core developers should no longer play a significant role in the development of Circcash.

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