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MVK - Minimum Viable Kubernetes (not production ready)

The problem

I need to do a quick deploy of cluster k8s to test something, validate a proof of concept, etc

What options do you have?

  1. Kops

  2. Kubespray

  3. Kubeadm

  4. Or this entire list

The solution

I can use any solution ready, or I can make my own!

And that's what I did

Using packer to build a ami with all requirements to deploy a k8s cluster.

Terraform to provision all necessary infra in aws.

Ansible to run post-provision the cluster and join nodes


  • Simple

  • Functional

  • Fast to deploy and destroy

How to use:


  1. AWS account
  2. Packer
  3. Ansible
  4. Terraform


$ export AWS_KEYPAIR_NAME=name AWS_KEYPAIR_FILE=path to file
$ cd base_image && packer build packer.json
$ cd aws_provision && terraform init && terraform apply -auto-approve 
$ cd kubeadm_create && ansible-playbook -i hosts master.yml && ansible-playbook -i hosts nodes.yml  

To destroy:

$ cd aws_provision && terraform destroy -auto-approve

#Delete the ami provisioned by Packer 
$ aws ec2 deregister-image --image-id 'ami-id'

  • You can also use Gitlab CI. Just clone this repo to a Gitlab namespace and use.

  • There's a .gitlab-ci.yml file with all steps to deploy this project.


  • Only improvements

  • I do not want to put new features, the idea here is to stay simple.