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converts a description of a binary relation into a PDF image of the
relation as a binary heat map (a.k.a. matrix display, adjacency matrix,
comparison chart, and probably a bunch of other names as well; see below for an
Each line of the input (except for blank lines and comments, which are ignored)
must be of the form x<TAB>y<TAB>z...
, denoting pairs (x, y)
, (x,
, etc. in the binary relation.
In the output table, the values from the first column of each input line become
the labels of the table's rows, and the values from the second input column
onwards become the labels of the table's columns. This can be reversed with
the --transpose
requires Python 3.7 or higher. Just use pip for Python 3 (You have pip, right?) to install
and its dependencies:
python3 -m pip install binheat
binheat [<OPTIONS>] [<infile> [<outfile>]]
Input is read from <infile>
(defaulting to standard input), and the
resulting PDF is written to <outfile>
(defaulting to <infile>
with its
file extension changed to .pdf
, or to standard output if <infile>
standard input).
-C FILE, --column-labels FILE | |
Use the lines in FILE (after discarding blank lines
& comments) in the order they appear as column labels
(or row labels if --transpose is in effect). Any
pairs in the input whose second column does not appear
in FILE are discarded. | |
-F FONT, --font FONT | |
Typeset text in the given font. FONT must be
either the name of a builtin PostScript font or the
path to a .ttf file. By default, text is typeset
in Times-Roman. | |
-f SIZE, --font-size SIZE | |
Set the text size to SIZE (default 12). | |
-R FILE, --row-labels FILE | |
Use the lines in FILE (after discarding blank lines
& comments) in the order they appear as row labels (or
column labels if --transpose is in effect). Any
pairs in the input whose first column does not appear
in FILE are discarded. | |
--sort, --no-sort | |
Whether to list labels in the output in lexical order
rather than in the order in which they appear in the
input file; default: --no-sort | |
-T, --transpose | |
The output will be transposed — i.e., the first column of the input will be used for the output table's column labels, and the second input column onwards will be used for the table's row labels. |
The following input file:
NUL (\0, 0x00)<TAB>iscntrl 0x01..0x06<TAB>iscntrl BEL (\a, 0x07)<TAB>iscntrl BS (\b, 0x08)<TAB>iscntrl TAB (\t, 0x09)<TAB>iscntrl<TAB>isspace<TAB>isblank LF (\n, 0x0A)<TAB>iscntrl<TAB>isspace VT (\v, 0x0B)<TAB>iscntrl<TAB>isspace FF (\f, 0x0C)<TAB>iscntrl<TAB>isspace CR (\r, 0x0D)<TAB>iscntrl<TAB>isspace 0x0E..0x1F<TAB>iscntrl SPACE (0x20)<TAB>isprint<TAB>isspace<TAB>isblank !"#$%&'()*+,-./<TAB>isprint<TAB>isgraph<TAB>ispunct 0123456789<TAB>isprint<TAB>isgraph<TAB>isalnum<TAB>isdigit<TAB>isxdigit :;<=>?@<TAB>isprint<TAB>isgraph<TAB>ispunct ABCDEF<TAB>isprint<TAB>isgraph<TAB>isalnum<TAB>isalpha<TAB>isupper<TAB>isxdigit GHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ<TAB>isprint<TAB>isgraph<TAB>isalnum<TAB>isalpha<TAB>isupper [\]^_`<TAB>isprint<TAB>isgraph<TAB>ispunct abcdef<TAB>isprint<TAB>isgraph<TAB>isalnum<TAB>isalpha<TAB>islower<TAB>isxdigit ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<TAB>isprint<TAB>isgraph<TAB>isalnum<TAB>isalpha<TAB>islower {|}~<TAB>isprint<TAB>isgraph<TAB>ispunct DEL (0x7F)<TAB>iscntrl
produces (using the default options) an output file that looks like this: