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Zeebe Map/Reduce

Reusable Map/Reduce workflow in Zeebe - a workflow engine for orchestrating microservices - as a Node module.

Not meant to be used as-is in-production, but:

  • Gives you an idea of how to orchestrate map/reduce tasks with Zeebe. The BPMN diagram in bpmn/map-reduce.bpmn implements a map/reduce workflow.
  • Gives you an idea of how to create an API / library of Zeebe functionality that can be composed/reused at the Application level. The ZeebeMapProcess class in src/lib/ZeebeMapProcess can map any workflow over any set of inputs.
  • Demonstrates (optional) strong typing of job variables and messages using Generics with the 0.17-compatible version of the Zeebe TypeScript library.


npm i -g ts-node

To run the example

npm i
  • Start a single mapFunction worker:
ts-node typescript/src/example/simple/MapFunctionWorker.ts
  • In another window, start the map workflow:
ts-node typescript/src/example/simple/MapFunction.ts
  • You can start additional mapFunction workers in other terminals to observe the effect of scaling up workers on the overall speed of the process.

Data-processing pipeline using Map/Reduce

This Zeebe workflow (bpmn/map-reduce.bpmn) implements a generic map/reduce pattern:

From an application-programming perspective, the Split Inputs/Map task takes an input with this shape:

    elements: T[],
    mapFunctionId: string

It has the same signature as the lodash map method:, mapFunction)

It takes the elements to map over, and a "function" to map over them.

In this case, the "function" that it will map over the elements is another Zeebe workflow. We pass in the id for this workflow.

Using a separate workflow for this achieves three outcomes:

  • It allows the workers that service the mapFunction workflow to be scaled.
  • It allows us to separate the wiring mechanics of map/reduce from the specific transformation in the workflow diagrams.
  • It allows us to encapsulate and reuse this generic map/reduce functionality at the application-programming level.

The mapFunction<T> workflow needs to consume an input that has this shape:

    element: T,
    correlationKey: string

This implements the lambda function provided to the map method in many languages, for example: => mapFunction(element))

It is inspired by Kotlin's approach, where the input parameter signature defaults to it:

(0..10).forEach { println(it) }

In the case of Kotlin, you get a closure with a parameter it. It's an opinionated shortcut.

In this case, rather than it, the input parameter name is set to element.

Your mapFunction workflow will be called for each element in the elements array of inputs. It needs to consume the element variable for the workflow, and the correlationKey is used to publish the result back to the main map workflow, where it will be collected.

This repo contains an example mapFunction implementation in bpmn/do-processing.bpmn.

There is a mapFunction<string> worker implementation for this workflow in example/simple/MapFunctionWorker.ts. This example implementation takes in a string, reverses it, and converts it to uppercase. It also delays for 2 - 15 seconds to simulate a longer running process.

The mapFunction workflow sends the result of its operation back to the main workflow by publishing a message using the correlationKey that was passed in, with the variable element set to the output of its transformation.

The main workflow is now in a loop, receiving messages from one or more workers that are servicing the tasks in the mapFunction workflow instances.

The variables in a message are merged into the variables of the main workflow, and the Reduce Results task is executed. In practice, this means that the Reduce Results task is executed once for each completed mapFunction workflow, with the result of the workflow in the element variable.

The main workflow has an accumulator variable, which is of type T[]. As each message comes in from the mapFunction workers, the result of their work - which appears in the element variable - is pushed into accumulator.

The reducer then does a check to see if the accumulator variable has the same number of members as the elements variable (this is the input set). If it does, the reducer sets the variable done to true.

After the reducer updates the accumulator, the workflow either goes back to the message catch to process another mapFunction result, or if done is true, moves to the output task.