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TLTMI (That Local Translation Model Interface)

Last version: 0.0.1

A work in progress

TLTMI is an open-source project aimed at providing an easy-to-deploy, locally-run translation service that can be accessed via a simple url fetch. It combines the power of state-of-the-art machine translation models with the convenience of containerized deployment.

Currently TLTMI is focusing on using the Helsinki-NLP/Opus-MT models for translation. These are efficient, memory-light models that can be easily loaded into memory for quick translation.

They are sufficient for most translation tasks, but TLTMI is aiming to be an option for local translation when cost is a concern and proprietary, api-based translation services are not an option.

Planned Features

  • Dockerized translation service for easy deployment
  • Support for multiple language pairs
  • FastAPI-based REST API for translation requests
  • Local processing for enhanced privacy and offline capability
  • Easy Model handling (discard, get, create, etc)

Getting Started


  • Docker

Pulling the Docker Image

Pull the Docker image from Docker Hub


docker pull bikatr7/tltmi-core:v0.0.1


docker pull bikatr7/tltmi-core:latest

then run with

docker run bikatr7/tltmi-core:v0.0.1


docker run bikatr7/tltmi-core:latest

Local Setup

Clone the repository:

git clone
cd tltmi
Docker Method
  1. Build the Docker image:

    docker build -t tltmi-core .
  2. Run the container:

    docker run -d -p 8000:8000 tltmi-core
Local Method (Development)
  1. Install the required Python packages:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Start the FastAPI server:



ALL endpoints are currently under /tltmi

Some notes

  • Model and pipeline are interchangeable in this context
  • Models are created on demand if one does not exist already
  • Models are stored in memory and are not saved to disk
  • Models created by a model parameter are separate from those created by source_lang and target_lang parameters (Meaning if you create the exact same model with model and source_lang and target_lang they will be separate models)

Translating Text

Pretty self-explanatory, just send a POST request to the /tltmi/translate endpoint with a similar looking json payload as below:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8000/tltmi/translate" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"text": "I am really tired today.", "source_lang": "en", "target_lang": "jap"}'

Note that language codes currently are based on the Helsinki-NLP/Opus-MT models which are inconsistent. TLTMI will try to load whatever you give it and will warn you if it's invalid.

There are thousands of pairs, it is not feasible for TLTMI to keep track of valid ones. This is up to you.

Pipeline management

/tltmi/add_pipeline expects source_lang and target lang OR model, also an optional keep_alive parameter

tltmi/remove_pipeline/{pipeline_key} expects a key, removes the existing model.

/tltmi/remove_all_pipelines removes all pipelines

/tltmi/list_pipelines Returns all pipelines


/tltmi/restart If for some reason you break something but don't want to kill the server, call this.


This project is going to be slowly but surely worked on over time. If you'd like to be involved feel free to contact me at


As Kakusui is an avid supporter of open-source software, this project is licensed under one of the strongest copyleft licenses available, the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPLv3).

You can find the full text of the license in the LICENSE file.

The AGPLv3 is a copyleft license that promotes the principles of open-source software. It ensures that any derivative works based on this project, as well as any software that interacts with users over a network, must also be distributed under the same AGPLv3 license. This license grants you the freedom to use, modify, and distribute the software.

Please note that this information is a brief summary of the AGPLv3. For a detailed understanding of your rights and obligations under this license, please refer to the full license text.


  • This project uses models from the Hugging Face Transformers library.
  • Special thanks to the open-source community for their invaluable contributions to the field of machine translation.
  • Helsinki-NLP/Opus-MT for their amazing work on the models used in this project.