Live Demo:
A single-page ecommerce application built with React-Redux, styled with TailwindCSS, and deployed with Heroku.
This project was created alongside React and Redux tutorials, courses and documentation as a means for active learning. It was also a test of my CSS skills to see if I could design a real-world ecommerce website. Developing this project while learning React/Redux was beneficial as it reinforced any gaps in my knowledge.
9/2/21 - Updated to be responsive on mobile devices. Great practice working with different media queries/breakpoints.
- A real-world eCommerce website with a fully functional shopping cart.
- Responsive design for all screen sizes
- Filter products by specfic collection
- Clean, minimalist UI design
- Javascript
- React.js (react-router)
- Redux.js (react-redux, redux-toolkit)
- Tailwind CSS
- Hosted on Heroku
- Difficulty making the site responsive on mobile, initial styling was a mess so it took some effort to clean up my mistakes (used a lot of absolute positioning - fixed using flexbox and grid)
- Struggled to implement Redux into the application, used Redux-Toolkit to simplify the process.
- Implementing nested Routes with react-router hooks
- Organizing and structuring a larger project, especially with Redux.
- Designing the layout of the site
- Fix responsive design of site for mobile (Updated 9/2/21)
- Increase page performance, site loads extremely slow - images are not optimized
- Add animations to make page more interactive - loading screen, scroll and page transition animations.
- Store products in a backend database
- Create a checkout page