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Project Introduction

This is a ETL project where I read the data from Kaggle Twitter dataset,analysed or transformed using python and stored the analysed data in to Amazon S3 bucket.This whole ETL process ochestrated using Ochestration tool called Apache Airflow.Here I documented each step that I followed in this process.

Project Architecture


Apache Airflow Installation steps

Installation in windows without using Docker,using WSL(Ubuntu)

  • Open a command prompt and update wsl with following commands
    wsl --update
    wsl --install -d ubuntu
  • Now open WSL2 or Ubuntu terminal and run the following commands
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install python-pip
    sudo apt-get install python3-venv
    python3 -m venv airflow-env
    source airflow-env/bin/activate
    nano ~/.bashrc
    #Type the following
    #Press Ctrl+S and Ctrl+X to exit the editor
    pip install apache-airflow
    airflow db init
    airflow users create \
        --username admin \
        --password admin  \
        --firstname <YourFirstName> \
        --lastname <YourLastName> \
        --role Admin \
    airflow webserver --port 8080
    #open one more terminal and run scheduler
    airflow scheduler
  • The Airflow web server will be accessible at http://localhost:8080 in your web browser and log in using the above-created User.

ETL(Extract,Transform,and Load)

  • Extract: Read the Tweets.CSV file
  • Transform:Transform the twitter data
    • Dropped the un-necessary columns from the dataset
    • Handled the Dataset schema
    • Handled the Date Time columns effectively
    • Handled the null values and filled with default values
  • Load:Load the transformed data into Amazon S3 bucket using S3FS python package

Copy the files from local file system to WSL(Ubuntu) filesystem

cp -r /mnt/c/Users/<username>/learning/twitter/tweets.csv /home/test/airflow/twitter_dags
cp -r /mnt/c/Users/<username>/learning/twitter/ /home/test/airflow/twitter_dags
cp -r /mnt/c/Users/<username>/learning/twitter/ /home/test/airflow/twitter_dags

Create dag folder

mkdir twitter_dag
nano airflow.cfg

edit the AIRFLOW_DAGS variable to twitter_dags folder Run the twitter dag from the airflow UI and this will generate the output file into S3 bucket

Issues Faced

  • From Amazon S3 side ,handle the bucket policies to put the object into the bucket
  • Tracing the errors in the Apache Airflow
  • Airflow Setup


  • Need to write the code with PYSPARK and deployment onto Airflow
  • Write a code that can interact with some database


Ochestraction of ETL process with Apache Airflow







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