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ArmA 2 Trigger Conditions

Cyruz143 edited this page Jul 8, 2015 · 1 revision

Make sure you always have adm_isInitialized in your trigger condition, in the following format adm_isInitialized && (<rest of your conditions>). This ensures, that you aren't using Admiral before it's initiaized properly.

Active at start

This is the standard way to activate a zone. Setting Activation to None and Condition to adm_isInitialized, will activate the trigger at mission start.

Activation by player presense

There is a function that detects if a player is closer to the zone, than the given distance. The zone's longest axis is added to the distance. Set Activation to None and Condition to adm_isInitialized && ([thisTrigger, _distance] call adm_api_fnc_isPlayerNearZone), where _distance is the distance given in metres. For example, given a trigger with axes 300 and 500 and with Condition adm_isInitialized && ([thisTrigger, 1000] call adm_api_fnc_isPlayerNearZone) will activate the zone if a players is closer, than 1.5 km to the center of the zone.

Activation by trigger's detection

You can use the trigger's default behaviour to activate the zone. For example the trigger can be activated by detecting a BLUFOR unit. For detailed trigger behaviour read the offical BIKI page or Killzone Kid's blog.

Activation by Condition

Zones can be activated by any SQF expression that can be evaluated to true or false. Set Activation to None and Condition to the desired expression. For example, if you want to activate the zone when the global variable isRiverCrossed eqauls true, just set Condition to adm_isInitialized && isRiverCrossed.