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Cyruz143 edited this page Apr 13, 2016 · 3 revisions

Using a pre-defined template

If you want to adjust the side of the EI from the default CSAT_WOODLAND you need to follow a few simple steps. Firstly browse to your admiral/admiral.h file and adjust the template names accordingly. Below is an example file which uses Independent forces rather than CSAT:

class Admiral {
    isEnabled = 1;

    class Camp {
        defaultUnitTemplate = "AAF_GUER";

    class Patrol {
        defaultUnitTemplate = "AAF_GUER";

    class Cqc {
        defaultUnitTemplate = "AAF_GUER";

You can use any faction name from the default templates found here. These three values can be changed independently so you can have various factions for different types of zone.

Using a custom template

You can also specify your own values for Admiral to use if you don't want to use one of the prebuilt templates. You'll need to modify your admiral/admiral.h file, an example is shown below where the technical is swapped from a HMG to a GMG variant and the IFV is removed from the armour array:

class Admiral {
    isEnabled = 1;

    class Camp {
        defaultUnitTemplate = "CSAT_WOODLAND";

    class Patrol {
        defaultUnitTemplate = "CSAT_WOODLAND";

    class Cqc {
        defaultUnitTemplate = "CSAT_WOODLAND";
    class UnitTemplates {
        class CSAT_WOODLAND {
            technicals[] = {"O_MRAP_02_gmg_F"};
            armour[] = {"O_MBT_02_cannon_F"};

You can redefine anything from the unit templates directly in admiral.h. This includes infantry[],crewmen[],technicals[] and armour[]. If you don't define a specific array it will use the default values from the unit template.

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