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Cyruz143 edited this page Jul 8, 2015 · 3 revisions

Headless Client

Headless Client (HC) is a regular client (player). What makes HC different is that, it takes control over the AI units, instead of the server. This takes a lot of stress from the server, which leads to better server, client and AI performance.

HC is usually ran on the same machine as the server, but can be run on any other machine. Note that, HC requires it's own copy of the game (if CD-key check is enabled), just as a human player does. Also since HC is a regular client, any player can act as one, but it leads to performance loss, so it is recommended for debugging purpose only.

ArmA 2 Admiral setup

Admiral supports one Headless Client and is identified by player name. If there are no players found with the given names, it defaults back to the server. By default, Admiral will check for 2 names, HC and HeadlessClient. If you have your HC named different or players with the same names, make sure you configure Admiral with the method below.

To set the player names for HC to search for, put this line into your mission's init.sqf (or uncomment it, if it is already there), before the call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "admiral\admiral_init.sqf"; line:

adm_hc_defaultNames = ["playername1", "playername2", ... , "playernameN"];
call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "admiral\admiral_init.sqf";

The first matching name will be the HC.

ArmA 3 Admiral setup

TBD later

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