kcards is a one stop replacement for paper cards. kcards helps you to easily share your cards with other users and get real time analytics on the shared cards.
- Website: http://www.kcards.in
- Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kcards
- App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/kcards/id1461733524
- Demonstration: https://vimeo.com/333978801
- Create Multiple Cards
- Personalize your Cards
- Use AutoFill to quickly create a card
- Share on your desired platform
- Generates a timeline as you share
- Offline Sharing Mode available
- Get real-time analytics
- QR Code based sharing is available
- JavaScript (ES8+)
- React Native (0.59.x)
- Redux + Redux Persist
- Node JS + Express
- MongoDB