Tasty is a CLI to handle operators in a package manager fashion.
The tool provides the following primitives to interact with olm:
- list
- info
- install
- remove
- search
Additionally, it can be used as a go library
As an alternative, consider kubectl-operator
curl -s -L https://github.com/karmab/tasty/releases/latest/download/tasty-linux-amd64 > /usr/bin/tasty
chmod u+x /usr/bin/tasty
- Install OLM operators changing the sourceNamespace value
tasty install assisted-service-operator hive-operator --sourcens olm
- Install OLM operators changing the CatalogSource and sourceNamespace value
tasty install assisted-service-operator hive-operator --source certified-operators --sourcens olm
- Print yaml of OLM operator without install
tasty install assisted-service-operator --stdout
Kubeconfig environment variable must be set
export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/kubeconfig
Alternatively, you can rely on your ~/.kube/config
Run the following and you can then use kubectl olm
or oc olm
tasty config --enable-as-plugin
Import tasty:
import "github.com/karmab/tasty/pkg/operator"
Then, create an operator using the constructor:
o := operator.NewOperator()
or with specific options:
o := operator.NewOperatorWithOptions(name, source, defaultChannel, description, csv, namespace, crd, configExecFile, configExecPath string)
The following methods are available to manage the operator:
Check job.yml.sample as an example of a job that will install a given operator using a sa with cluster admin privileges
Open an issue!
Mc Fly!!!