Java 17, JUnit 5, AssertJ, Mockito, Maven
This repository documents code written by me during unit testing course (course by Aleksandra Kunysz).
My motivation:
- learn about developers' perspective to tests
- get to know about effective ways to use unit testing tools (which are also used in test automation)
To run all tests, use following command :
mvn clean test
To run tests from specific module use command
mvn clean '-Dtest=moduleX.*Test' test
where X = module number, for example mvn clean '-Dtest=module1.*Test' test
Module 1 covers basics of unit testing - why do we even want to write unit tests and how we should think about them. It shows how to write first unit test (with and without JUnit).
The task was to create basic string calculator (based on the pseudocode given) and write few unit tests.
Module 2 is all about helpful tools - JUnit, AssertJ, Mockito, IDE shortcuts. It explains what is the goal of stubbing/mocking.
- Part 1: The task was to create VatService app (based on the pseudocode given) and write unit tests.
- Part 2 : Provide VAT with VatProvider interface and stub it in the tests.
- Part 3 (for volunteers only) : Add logger with different levels to VatService. Adjust tests so they use only mocks.
Module 3 shows concept of TDD, BDD, ATDD (focuses mostly on TDD). It mentions some practices to polish the programming skills - katas, pair programming, coding dojo.
- Part 1 : Watch a video with TDD solution to a kata then try to solve it on your own. Commit after each TDD cycle. Delete your solution and try again :)
- Part 2 (for volunteers only) : Try to solve another kata using TDD. I've decided to solve Employee Report kata
Module 4 points out newbies mistakes and some good practices.
The task was to get back to all previous homeworks and refactor tests trying to avoid newbies mistakes and introduce good practices.