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RPA script with only text and image file




require pyautogui opencv pyperclip playsound library 検索

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download exe non console: console:

how to use

0. please you write operation command to skill.txt in text folder. and collect image file in image folder.
1. exec by start.bat ($ python
2. click icon to start skill. icon will display red frame
3. if you want to exit, click the icon. icon will delete red frame

config parameter

### [MAIN]
RootTtl : main gui title
IconSiz : main gui icon size
IconRow : main gui icon rows
IconCol : main gui icon columns
TitlIcn : main gui title icon
TopMost : True -> main gui display top
DefIcon : main gui default icon image
AftTime : main gui redrawing cycle
WinXPos : main gui x position from the right
WinYPos : main gui u position from the down
IcnPath : icon file path
SndPath : sound file path
ImgPath : image file path
TxtPath : text file path
SoundLg : play sound log by True or False
PausTim : default pause time
Accurcy : default image recognize accuracy
SavFile : save operation file
Strings : default string text
CliDura : default click duration
DraDura : default drag duration
Intervl : default typing interbal
UppCase : upper case strings
LowCase : lower case strings
### [SKILL1]
not used

い click operation by image recognition

name / image / accuracy / shiftposition / pause /
 1. name : operation name -> click:click/dclick:double click/rclick:right click/move:move cursol/drag:drag cursol
 2. image : image recognition file(png)
 3. accuracy : image recognition accuracy 0.0~1.0 default:accuracy=0.8
 4. shiftposition : shift target position default:shiftpin=0,0
 5. pause : pause for seconds default:pause=0

ろ click operation click by position

name / x position / y position / pause /
 1. name : operation name -> clickp:click/dclickp:double click/rclickp:right click/movep:move cursol/dragp:drag cursol/clickz:random click
 2. x position : target x position
 3. y position : target y position
 4. xmax, ymax, xmin, ymin : range for random click
 5. pause : pause for seconds default:pause=0

は key operation

name / string / string2 / pause /
 1. name : operation name -> typing:keyboard typing/press:press key/keydown:hold down key/keyup:hold up key/hotkey:press 2 keys
 2. string : output string
 3. string2 : 2nd string for hotkey
 4. pause : pause for seconds default:pause=0

に end operation

name / image / accuracy /
 1. name : operation name -> end:close operation
 2. image : image recognition file(png) if no image is specified, immediately end if image recognition fails, restart operation from the beginning
 3. accuracy : image recognition accuracy 0.0~1.0 default:accuracy=0.8

ほ pause operation

name / pause /
 1. name : operation name -> pause:pause operation
 2. pause : pause for seconds

へ launch app operation

name / filepath / synchronize / pause /
 1. name : operation name -> run:launch app
 2. filepath : application file path
 3. synchronize : True=synchronize,False=unsynchronize
 4. pause : pause for seconds default:pause=0

と file operation

name / fromfilepath / tofilepath / pause /
 1. name : operation name -> fmove:move file/fcopy:copy file/fdelete:delete file/folder:open folder
 2. fromfilepath : target file path dir check & file exists & target is file only
 3. tofilepath : target to move file path for file move and copy dir check & file not exists & target is file only
 4. pause : pause for seconds default:pause=0

ち conditional branch operation

name / left / compare / right /jumptoT / jumptoF /
 1. name : operation name -> if:conditional branch
 2. left : left condition 'clip' load clipboard
 3. compare : compare sign
 4. right : right condition
 5. jumptoT : jump number with True
 6. jumptoF : jump number with False

り conditional branch operation by image recognition

name / image / jumptoT / jumptoF / accuracy /
 1. name : operation name -> if:conditional branch
 2. image : image recognition file(png)
 3. jumptoT : jump number with image recognition success
 4. jumptoF : jump number with image recognition fails
 5. accuracy : image recognition accuracy 0.0~1.0 default:accuracy=0.8

ぬ repeate operation

name / quantity / start / length /
 1. name : operation name -> for:repeate
 2. quantity : repeate quantity
 3. start : start number
 4. length : 1 repeate operation length

る clipboard operation

name / string / pause /
 1. name : operation name -> ccopy:string is copied to clipboard/cpaste:paste from clipboard
 2. string : copy string for ccopy
 3. pause : pause for seconds default:pause=0

を wait until match operation

name / image / targetout / accuracy / pause /
name / string / targetout / accuracy / pause /
 1. name : operation name -> until:wait until match
 2. image : image recognition file(png)
 3. string : match to clipboard text and enable to regex
 4. targetout : True:target out, False:target in
 5. accuracy : image recognition accuracy 0.0~1.0 default:accuracy=0.8
 6. pause : pause for seconds default:pause=0

わ scroll operation

name / amount / pause /
 1. name : operation name -> scrollup:scroll up/scrolldown:scroll down/scrollleft:scroll left/scrollright:scroll right
 2. amount : scroll amount
 3. pause : pause for seconds default:pause=0

か save & load text operation

name / save name / string /
 1. name : operation name -> save:save string with save name/load:get save name string
 2. save name : save name
 3. string : save string

よ clioboard exchange operation

name / string1 / string2 /
 1. name : operation name -> replace:string1 replace string2/upper:upper/lower:lower/uppercase:uppercase/lowercase:lowercase/extract:extract url
 2. string1 : replace TO
 3. string2 : replace FROM

た jump to clipboard url operation

name / pause /
 1. name : operation name -> jumpurl:jump to url
 2. pause : pause for seconds default:pause=0

れ extract date to clipboard operation

name / pause /
 1. name : operation name -> jumpurl:jump to url
 2. pause : pause for seconds default:pause=0

そ date copy operation

name / format / add year / add month / add date / string
 1. name : operation name -> getdate:copy to date
 2. format : YYYY,YY,MM,M,DD,D,HH,H,mm,m,ss,s can set
 3. add year : add year
 4. add month : add month
 5. add date : add date
 6. string : firstday:first day lastday:last day

つ play sound operation

name / file / synchronize / pause
 1. name : operation name -> sound:play sound
 2. file : sound file (WAV or mp3)
 3. synchronize : True=synchronize,False=unsynchronize
 4. pause : pause for seconds default:pause=0







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