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WebCumberNode Boilerplate

Cucumber JS with WebDriverIO in Node.JS

This is a little demo project, to run NodeJS, using Cucumber.js as a behaviour testing suite, for automated browser tests.

It gives you a base foundation to set up running BDD tests in any environment that has Node.JS and Selenium2-Server-Standalone WebDriver.


  • 1 part Node.JS, with a sprinkling of NPM
  • 1 part fresh Virtual Machine, running the Selenium2-Server-Standalone pakcage.
  • If you don't have the selenium server, get it here (.jar download)
  • You don't need a Virtual Machine to run selenium, although it makes the whole thing taste better
  • The VM should have one/many/all of Firefox, Chrome, Opera, IE, Safari


First you need to pre-heat the VM, by turning it on and loading selenium server. Make sure you have the host-name set in ./features/support/testproperties.json to the IP address of your VM (or just if you're running locally).

Also prepare your environment by running npm install. If you're feeling brave you can also install the dependencies globally, which helps with Cucumber as it installs a bin in your $PATH.

Now run ./node-modules/cucumber/bin/cucumber.js, or, if you installed globally, just cucumber.js will do.

Watch as your selenium server spins up a fresh copy of firefox, visits and runs a search, then shuts down and repeats for a second test.

If you want to change browser, just change the testproperties or run cucumber.js --browser='internet explorer', for example or cucumber.js --browser=safari.

If you want to test in chrome, you'll also need the ChromeDriver package. Consult the Selenium wiki for more.

File structure

Here is a categorisation of the main files you'll want to look at/edit:

  • features/*.feature - the story files you want to run.
  • support/teardown.js - closes the browser after each scenario
  • support/testproperties.json - Configuration stuffs
  • support/world.js - This is the bootstrapper for WebDriverIO, be careful!
  • step_definitions/generic.js - Good place to keep testwide step definitions, such as "I click "
  • step_definitions/*.js - Other step definitions, ideally you should have a 1-1 relationship between feature file and specific definitions as the complimentary .js file


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