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PhantomJS-based web performance metrics collector and monitoring tool


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PhantomJS-based modular web performance metrics collector. And why phantomas? Well, because :)

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npm install --global phantomas

This will install the latest version of PhantomJS and add a symlink called phantomas (pointing to ./bin/phantomas.js) to your system's PATH


  • Modular approach - each metric is generated by a separate "module"
  • phantomas "core" acts as an events emitter that each module can hook into
  • in-depth metrics such as: number of events bound via jQuery, calls to window.writeor complex and duplicated CSS selectors (via analyze-css)
  • JSON and CSV as available output formats for easy integration with automated reporting / monitoring tools
  • easy integration with Continous Integration tools via TAP format and assertions handling
  • easy integration with other nodejs projects via CommonJS module (see API docs)
  • metrics can be emitted from JavaScript code of the page phantomas is run against (thanks to helper functions available in window.__phantomas)



phantomas comes as both command line tool and CommonJS module (see API docs) that you can use in your nodejs projects.

Single run

phantomas --url --verbose

You can measure the performance of your site without requests to 3rd party domains (but allowing CDN that serves your static assets):

phantomas --url --verbose --no-externals --allow-domain


  • --url URL of the page to generate metrics for (required)
  • --reporter=[json|csv|tap|plain] results reporter aka format (plain is the default one)
  • --timeout=[seconds] timeout for phantomas run (defaults to 15 seconds)
  • --viewport=[width]x[height] phantomJS viewport dimensions (1280x1024 is the default)
  • --verbose writes debug messages to the console
  • --silent don't write anything to the console
  • --log=[log file] log to a given file
  • --modules=[moduleOne],[moduleTwo] run only selected modules
  • --skip-modules=[moduleOne],[moduleTwo] skip selected modules
  • --user-agent='Custom user agent' provide a custom user agent (will default to something similar to phantomas/0.6.0 (PhantomJS/1.9.0; linux 64bit))
  • --config=[JSON config file] uses JSON-formatted config file to set parameters
  • --cookie='bar=foo;domain=url' document.cookie formatted string for setting a single cookie
  • --cookies-file=[JAR file] specifies the file name to store the persistent Cookies
  • --no-externals block requests to 3rd party domains
  • --allow-domain=[domain],[domain] allow requests to given domain(s) - aka whitelist
  • --block-domain=[domain],[domain] disallow requests to given domain(s) - aka blacklist
  • --disable-js disable JavaScript on the page that will be loaded
  • --analyze-css emit in-depth CSS metrics experimental
  • --film-strip register film strip when page is loading experimental
  • --film-strip-dir=[dir path] folder path to output film strip (default is ./filmstrip directory) experimental
  • --assert-[metric-name]=value assert that given metric should be less or equal the value
  • --screenshot=[file name] render fully loaded page to a given file
  • --wait-for-selector=[CSS selector wait for an element matching given CSS selector before generating a report, timeout setting still applies (e.g. --wait-for-selector "body.loaded")
  • --post-load-delay=[seconds] wait X seconds before generating a report, timeout setting still applies
  • --ignore-ssl-errors ignores SSL errors, such as expired or self-signed certificate errors
  • --proxy=[host:port] specifies the proxy server to use
  • --proxy-auth=[username:password] specifies the authentication information for the proxy
  • --proxy-type=[http|socks5|none] specifies the type of the proxy server (default is http)

Multiple runs

./run-multiple.js --url=  --runs=5


  • --url URL of the page to generate metrics for (required)
  • --runs number of runs to perform (defaults to 3)
  • --modules=[moduleOne],[moduleTwo] run only selected modules
  • --skip-modules=[moduleOne],[moduleTwo] skip selected modules


Current number of metrics: 99


  • ms for time
  • bytes for size

Requests monitor (core module)

Due to PhantomJS issue #10156 body size related metrics are not reliable

  • requests: total number of HTTP requests made
  • gzipRequests: number of gzipped HTTP responses
  • postRequests: number of POST requests
  • httpsRequests: number of HTTPS requests
  • notFound: number of HTTP 404 responses
  • timeToFirstByte: time it took to receive the first byte of the first response (that was not a redirect)
  • timeToLastByte: time it took to receive the last byte of the first response (that was not a redirect)
  • bodySize: size of the content of all responses
  • contentLength: size of the content of all responses (based on Content-Length header)
  • httpTrafficCompleted: time it took to receive the last byte of the last HTTP response

AJAX requests

  • ajaxRequests: number of AJAX requests

Assets types

Due to PhantomJS issue #10156 body size related metrics are not reliable

  • htmlCount: number of HTML responses
  • htmlSize: size of HTML responses
  • cssCount: number of CSS responses
  • cssSize: size of CSS responses
  • jsCount: number of JS responses
  • jsSize: size of JS responses
  • jsonCount: number of JSON responses
  • jsonSize: size of JSON responses
  • imageCount: number of image responses
  • imageSize: size of image responses
  • webfontCount: number of web font responses
  • webfontSize: size of web font responses
  • base64Count: number of base64 encoded "responses" (no HTTP request was actually made)
  • base64Size: size of base64 encoded "responses"
  • otherCount: number of other responses
  • otherSize: size of other responses

Cache Hits

Metrics are calculated based on X-Cache header added by Varnish / Squid servers

  • cacheHits: number of cache hits
  • cacheMisses: number of cache misses
  • cachePasses: number of cache passes


  • headersCount: number of requests and responses headers
  • headersSentCount: number of headers sent in requests
  • headersRecvCount: number of headers received in responses
  • headersSize: size of all headers
  • headersSentSize: size of sent headers
  • headersRecvSize: size of received headers


  • domains: number of domains used to fetch the page
  • maxRequestsPerDomain: maximum number of requests fetched from a single domain
  • medianRequestsPerDomain: median of requests fetched from each domain


  • cookiesSent: length of cookies sent in HTTP requests
  • cookiesRecv: length of cookies received in HTTP responses
  • domainsWithCookies: number of domains with cookies set
  • documentCookiesLength: length of document.cookie
  • documentCookiesCount: number of cookies in document.cookie

DOM complexity

Metrics listed below are generated after the full page load

  • globalVariables: number of JS globals variables
  • bodyHTMLSize: the size of body tag content (document.body.innerHTML.length)
  • commentsSize: the size of HTML comments on the page
  • hiddenContentSize: the size of content of hidden elements on the page (with CSS display: none)
  • whiteSpacesSize: the size of text nodes with whitespaces only
  • DOMelementsCount: total number of HTML element nodes
  • DOMelementMaxDepth: maximum level on nesting of HTML element node
  • iframesCount: number of iframe nodes
  • nodesWithInlineCSS: number of nodes with inline CSS styling (with style attribute)
  • imagesWithoutDimensions: number of <img> nodes without both width and height attribute

DOM queries

  • DOMqueries: the sum of all four metrics below
  • DOMqueriesById: number of document.getElementById calls
  • DOMqueriesByClassName: number of document.getElementsByClassName calls
  • DOMqueriesByTagName: number of document.getElementsByTagName calls
  • DOMqueriesByQuerySelectorAll: number of document.querySelectorAll calls
  • DOMinserts: number of DOM nodes inserts
  • DOMqueriesDuplicated: number of duplicated DOM queries

Event listeners

  • eventsBound: number of EventTarget.addEventListener calls

Window performance

Times below are relative to responseEnd entry in NavigationTiming (represented by timeToLastByte metric). See NavigationTiming spec for more information.

  • onDOMReadyTime: time it took to fire onDOMready event
  • onDOMReadyTimeEnd: time it took to finish processing onDOMready event experimental
  • windowOnLoadTime: time it took to fire window.load event
  • windowOnLoadTimeEnd: time it took to finish processing window.load event experimental
  • timeBackend: time to the first byte compared to the total loading time (in %)
  • timeFrontend: time to window on load compared to the total loading time (in %)

Requests statistics

Time is total duration, from the start of the request to the receipt of the final byte in the response. Latency is the time to load the first byte in the response.

Includes HTTP 200 responses only

  • smallestResponse: the size of the smallest response
  • biggestResponse: the size of the biggest response
  • fastestResponse: the time to the last byte of the fastest response
  • slowestResponse: the time to the last byte of the slowest response
  • smallestLatency: the time to the first byte of the fastest response
  • biggestLatency: the time to the first byte of the slowest response
  • medianResponse: median value of time to the last byte for all responses
  • medianLatency: median value of time to the first byte for all responses


  • localStorageEntries: number of entries in local storage


Requires jQuery 1.8.0+

  • jQueryVersion: version of jQuery framework (if loaded)
  • jQueryOnDOMReadyFunctions: number of functions bound to onDOMReady event
  • jQuerySizzleCalls: number of calls to Sizzle (including those that will be resolved using querySelectorAll)

Static assets

  • assetsNotGzipped: static assets that were not gzipped
  • assetsWithQueryString: static assets requested with query string (e.g. ?foo) in URL
  • smallImages: images smaller than 2 kB that can be base64 encoded
  • multipleRequests: number of static assets that are requested more than once


  • cachingNotSpecified: responses with no caching header sent (either Cache-Control or Expires)
  • cachingTooShort: responses with too short (less than a week) caching time
  • cachingDisabled: responses with caching disabled (max-age=0)

Time to first asset

  • timeToFirstCss: time it took to receive the last byte of the first CSS
  • timeToFirstJs: time it took to receive the last byte of the first JS
  • timeToFirstImage: time it took to receive the last byte of the first image


  • redirects: number of HTTP redirects (either 301 or 302)
  • redirectsTime: time it took to send and receive redirects

JavaScript bottlenecks

  • documentWriteCalls: number of calls to either document.write or document.writeln
  • evalCalls: number of calls to eval (either direct or via setTimeout / setInterval)

JavaScript errors

Error message and backtrace will be emitted as offenders

  • jsErrors: number of JavaScript errors

JavaScript console and alert

  • windowAlerts: number of calls to alert
  • windowConfirms: number of calls to confirm
  • windowPrompts: number of calls to prompt
  • consoleMessages: number of calls to console.* functions

Optional metrics

The following metrics are emitted only when certain options are passed to phantomas

  • blockedRequests: number of requests blocked due to domain filtering (emitted only when in --no-externals / --block-domain mode)

CSS metrics

This is an experimental feature. Use --analyze-css option to enable it.

Take a look at analyze-css README for the full list of metrics.


phantomas provides a number of reporters that can format the run results and send them to various tools. Use --reporter (or -R shortcut) option to use one.


Results can be emitted as TAP, CSV and JSON. plain format is most useful for human beings :)

StatsD integration

Metrics from phantomas run can be sent directly to StatsD and then graphed using graphite, graphene or any other tool of your choice. For instance:

$ phantomas --url -R statsd --statsd-host --statsd-port 8125 --statsd-prefix 'myApp.mainPage.'

will sent metrics to StatsD running on and prefix them with 'myApp.mainPage'.

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PhantomJS-based web performance metrics collector and monitoring tool







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