The bottle sample is a simple example using the modular structure of squbs and streaming service responses. It will stream lyrics from our famous bottles song to your browser. It has the following modules.
The bottlecube is the module containing the logic for generating the interesting events. All cubes only know about each others via ActorSelection. No type dependencies between cubes and services.
The bottlemsgs project only contains message types (case classes) used for talking to the bottlecube. Message projects MUST NOT contain any logic.
The bottlesvc starts the REST service and listens to the port. Upon arrival of a request, it sends a message to bottlecube which then gradually sends the lyrics of the song back to bottlesvc to be streamed out.
The picture below shows the interaction between the modules:
Build all the modules by running "sbt clean compile package" from root directory.
Start the server using "sbt samplesvc/run" from the root directory.