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kevindawson edited this page Apr 4, 2013 · 15 revisions

Running against Debug::Client - one I did earlier ;)

  • --format mi or -f mi
$ midgen -f mi
Running midgen v0.18
Stamped -> 2013-03-24T15:49:44Z

use inc::Module::Install 1.06;

name 'Debug-Client';
all_from 'lib/Debug/';

perl_version '5.010';

requires 'IO::Socket::IP' => '0.19';
requires 'PadWalker'      => '1.96';

test_requires 'File::HomeDir'  => '1';
test_requires 'Test::Class'    => '0.38';
test_requires 'Test::Deep'     => '0.11';
test_requires 'Test::More'     => '0.98';
test_requires 'Win32::Process' => '0.14' if win32;

recommends 'Test::Pod'           => '1.46';
recommends 'Test::Pod::Coverage' => '1.08';

# ToDo you should consider the following
homepage    '';
bugtracker  '';
repository  'git://';

	x_contributors => [
		'brian d foy (ADOPTME) <>',
		'Fred Bloggs <>',

install_script 'script/...';

no_index 'directory' => qw{ eg inc t xt };


I just spent 7s doing all that for you enjoy

Now we will do the same again but with some options, so you can compare outputs

  • --core --format mi or -cf mi
$ midgen --core --format mi
Running midgen v0.18
Stamped -> 2013-03-24T15:52:07Z

use inc::Module::Install 1.06;

name 'Debug-Client';
all_from 'lib/Debug/';

perl_version '5.010';

requires 'Carp'           => '1.26';
requires 'English'        => 'core';
requires 'IO::Socket::IP' => '0.19';
requires 'PadWalker'      => '1.96';
requires 'constant'       => '1.27';
requires 'strict'         => 'core';
requires 'utf8'           => 'core';
requires 'warnings'       => 'core';

test_requires 'Exporter'       => '5.67';
test_requires 'File::HomeDir'  => '1';
test_requires 'File::Spec'     => '3.4';
test_requires 'File::Temp'     => '0.23';
test_requires 'FindBin'        => 'core';
test_requires 'Test::Class'    => '0.38';
test_requires 'Test::Deep'     => '0.11';
test_requires 'Test::More'     => '0.98';
test_requires 'Time::HiRes'    => '1.9725';
test_requires 'Win32'          => '0.47' if win32;
test_requires 'Win32::Process' => '0.14' if win32;
test_requires 'base'           => '2.18';

recommends 'Test::Pod'           => '1.46';
recommends 'Test::Pod::Coverage' => '1.08';

# ToDo you should consider the following
homepage    '';
bugtracker  '';
repository  'git://';

	x_contributors => [
		'brian d foy (ADOPTME) <>',
		'Fred Bloggs <>',

install_script 'script/...';

no_index 'directory' => qw{ eg inc t xt };


I just spent 8s doing all that for you enjoy