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Download and install Mono for Linux

Kevin Kovalchik edited this page Sep 13, 2018 · 1 revision

To run RawTools on MacOS requires Mono as a .NET package. An excellent walkthrough for download and installation can be found on the Mono website.

Download and installation

As there is a decent amount of variation in the types of Linux systems available, we will not be giving specific instructions for installing Mono. We highly recommend you follow the walkthrough mentioned above to install for your system.

Quick test for functionality

To quickly test whether Mono is ready to run, open the 'Terminal' application on your system (the method for opening will depend on your system). Enter the command below:

$mono --version

The output should appear similar to the image below.

If Mono appears to be active, you are now ready to move to the next step, setting up RawTools!