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Download and prepare RawTools for MacOS

Kevin Kovalchik edited this page Jun 28, 2019 · 2 revisions

Now that you have Mono installed, we will download and set up RawTools for MacOS.

Download and setup

Using your internet browser, navigate to the RawTools GitHub releases page. Under Assets in the middle of the page, click on to download a zip archive of RawTools (where x.x.x is the RawTools version number, 1.0.0 in this example). Save this file in a location you will remember. We are going to put it in a folder on our Desktop called 'RawTools' for simplicity.

Double click this downloaded ZIP file to extract it to the current folder. Now you are ready to go with RawTools.

Quick test for functionality

To quickly test whether RawTools is ready to run, open the 'Terminal' application on your Mac (Cmd + Space, and type Terminal in the search bar that appears).

Use the command $cd Desktop\RawTools to navigate to your folder if you made it on the Desktop like we did.

Enter the command $mono RawTools.exe -help. The output should be similar to that seen below.

If the command executed correctly, you are ready to proceed to the next step of downloading a test dataset.