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Download and prepare RawTools for Windows

Kevin Kovalchik edited this page Jun 28, 2019 · 2 revisions

Once you have the appropriate .NET framework installed, you can download and set up RawTools.

Download and prepare RawTools

For the purposes of this walkthrough, we are going to work in a directory on the D: drive of our machine, in a folder called RawTools.

In your internet browser, visit the RawTools GitHub releases page to find the latest release of RawTools. Under Assets in the middle of the page, click on to download a zip archive of RawTools (where x.x.x is the RawTools version number, 1.0.0 in this example).

Extract the downloaded ZIP file into the current directory, and you are ready to go!

Optional: add RawTools to your system path

Adding RawTools to your system path can be useful for running RawTools from any location on your computer. Instead of always running it from its directory or invoking the full path to RawTools, you can simply type RawTools at the command prompt to initiate the program.

Click on the Windows search icon (it is usually next to the start menu and looks like a magnifying glass). Search for and then click on Edit environment variables for your account

In the top panel (User variables) select PATH and click the Edit button.

In the upper right of the window which opens up, click the New button, and then hit the Browse button. Navigate to the directory where you unzipped RawTools and hit Ok.

Click Ok on all the windows which have opened until you get out of these dialogs.

Test it out by opening a Command prompt or PowerShell window and type RawTools -help and hit Enter. If everything is set up correctly, the help screen should appear.

If everything is working correctly, you are now ready to download some test data for processing with RawTools.